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人工智能-A*启发式搜索算法解决八数码问题 Python实现

admin 阅读: 2024-04-02


        八数码问题也称为九宫问题。在 3×3 的棋盘,摆有八个棋子,每个棋子上标有 1 至 8 的某一数字,不同棋子上标的数字不相同。棋盘上还有一个空格(以数字 0 来表示),与空 格相邻的棋子可以移到空格中。 要求解决的问题是:给出一个初始状态和一个目标状态,找出一种从初始转变成目标状态的移动棋子步数最少的移动步骤。








                若着眼在数码上,则相应的操作算子就是数码的移动,可知共有4(方向)*8(码的个数)=32 种算子,设计起来较为复杂。












2,8,3,1,6,4,(0),7,5 六个元素(标红)不在【目标位置】





                ·该节点的估价函数值 f(n)

                · 该节点的数码序列【抽象为一维数组】





首先明确: 八数码问题是存在无解的情况的,在编写程序时,首先就需要判断初始序列和目标序列之间的变换是否是有解的,若将无解的两个序列执行算法,算法将入死循环


        何为逆序数? 如何求逆序数? 看这篇文章,这里不多赘述  逆序数文章





前一次执行LEFT操作,下一次迭代应该禁用RIGHT操作 ,






  1. class statusObject:
  2. def __init__(self):
  3. # 当前状态的序列
  4. self.array = []
  5. # 当前状态的估价函数值
  6. self.Fn = 0
  7. # cameFrom表示该状态由上一步由何种operation得到
  8. # 目的是为了过滤 【死循环】
  9. # 0表示初始无状态 1表示up 2表示down 3表示left 4表示right
  10. self.cameFrom = 0
  11. # 第一次生成该节点时在图中的深度 计算估价函数使用
  12. self.Dn = 0
  13. # 该节点的父亲节点,用于最终溯源最终解
  14. self.Father = statusObject






  1. import operator
  2. import sys
  3. import numpy as np
  4. class statusObject:
  5. def __init__(self):
  6. # 当前状态的序列
  7. self.array = []
  8. # 当前状态的估价函数值
  9. self.Fn = 0
  10. # cameFrom表示该状态由上一步由何种operation得到
  11. # 目的是为了过滤 【死循环】
  12. # 0表示初始无状态 1表示up 2表示down 3表示left 4表示right
  13. self.cameFrom = 0
  14. # 第一次生成该节点时在图中的深度 计算估价函数使用
  15. self.Dn = 0
  16. self.Father = statusObject
  17. def selectOperation(i, cameFrom):
  18. # @SCY164759920
  19. # 根据下标和cameFromReverse来选择返回可选择的操作
  20. selectd = []
  21. if (i >= 3 and i <= 8 and cameFrom != 2): # up操作
  22. selectd.append(1)
  23. if (i >= 0 and i <= 5 and cameFrom != 1): # down操作
  24. selectd.append(2)
  25. if (i == 1 or i == 2 or i == 4 or i == 5 or i == 7 or i == 8): # left操作
  26. if (cameFrom != 4):
  27. selectd.append(3)
  28. if (i == 0 or i == 1 or i == 3 or i == 4 or i == 6 or i == 7): # right操作
  29. if (cameFrom != 3):
  30. selectd.append(4)
  31. return selectd
  32. def up(i):
  33. return i - 3
  34. def down(i):
  35. return i + 3
  36. def left(i):
  37. return i - 1
  38. def right(i):
  39. return i + 1
  40. def setArrayByOperation(oldIndex, array, operation):
  41. # i为操作下标
  42. # 根据operation生成新状态
  43. if (operation == 1): # up
  44. newIndex = up(oldIndex) # 得到交换的下标
  45. if (operation == 2): # down
  46. newIndex = down(oldIndex)
  47. if (operation == 3): # left
  48. newIndex = left(oldIndex)
  49. if (operation == 4): # right
  50. newIndex = right(oldIndex)
  51. # 对调元素的值
  52. temp = array[newIndex]
  53. array[newIndex] = array[oldIndex]
  54. array[oldIndex] = temp
  55. return array
  56. def countNotInPosition(current, end): # 判断不在最终位置的元素个数
  57. count = 0 # 统计个数
  58. current = np.array(current)
  59. end = np.array(end)
  60. for index, item in enumerate(current):
  61. if ((item != end[index]) and item != 0):
  62. count = count + 1
  63. return count
  64. def computedLengthtoEndArray(value, current, end): # 两元素的下标之差并去绝对值
  65. def getX(index): # 获取当前index在第几行
  66. if 0 <= index <= 2:
  67. return 0
  68. if 3 <= index <= 5:
  69. return 1
  70. if 6 <= index <= 8:
  71. return 2
  72. def getY(index): # 获取当前index在第几列
  73. if index % 3 == 0:
  74. return 0
  75. elif (index + 1) % 3 == 0:
  76. return 2
  77. else:
  78. return 1
  79. currentIndex = current.index(value) # 获取当前下标
  80. currentX = getX(currentIndex)
  81. currentY = getY(currentIndex)
  82. endIndex = end.index(value) # 获取终止下标
  83. endX = getX(endIndex)
  84. endY = getY(endIndex)
  85. length = abs(endX - currentX) + abs(endY - currentY)
  86. return length
  87. def countTotalLength(current, end):
  88. # 根据current和end计算current每个棋子与目标位置之间的距离和【除0】
  89. count = 0
  90. for item in current:
  91. if item != 0:
  92. count = count + computedLengthtoEndArray(item, current, end)
  93. return count
  94. def printArray(array): # 控制打印格式
  95. print(str(array[0:3]) + '\n' + str(array[3:6]) + '\n' + str(array[6:9]) + '\n')
  96. def getReverseNum(array): # 得到指定数组的逆序数 包括0
  97. count = 0
  98. for i in range(len(array)):
  99. for j in range(i + 1, len(array)):
  100. if array[i] > array[j]:
  101. count = count + 1
  102. return count
  103. openList = [] # open表 存放实例对象
  104. closedList = [] # closed表
  105. endArray = [1, 2, 3, 8, 0, 4, 7, 6, 5] # 最终状态
  106. countDn = 0 # 执行的次数
  107. initObject = statusObject() # 初始化状态
  108. # initObject.array = [2, 8, 3, 1, 6, 4, 7, 0, 5]
  109. initObject.array = [2, 8, 3, 1, 6, 4, 7, 0, 5]
  110. # initObject.array = [2, 1, 6, 4, 0, 8, 7, 5, 3]
  111. initObject.Fn = countDn + countNotInPosition(initObject.array, endArray)
  112. # initObject.Fn = countDn + countTotalLength(initObject.array, endArray)
  113. openList.append(initObject)
  114. zeroIndex = openList[0].array.index(0)
  115. # 先做逆序奇偶性判断 0位置不算
  116. initRev = getReverseNum(initObject.array) - zeroIndex # 起始序列的逆序数
  117. print("起始序列逆序数", initRev)
  118. endRev = getReverseNum(endArray) - endArray.index(0) # 终止序列的逆序数
  119. print("终止序列逆序数", endRev)
  120. res = countTotalLength(initObject.array, endArray)
  121. # print("距离之和为", res)
  122. # @SCY164759920
  123. # 若两逆序数的奇偶性不同,则该情况无解
  124. if((initRev%2==0 and endRev%2==0) or (initRev%2!=0 and endRev%2!=0)):
  125. finalFlag = 0
  126. while(1):
  127. # 判断是否为end状态
  128. if(operator.eq(openList[0].array,endArray)):
  129. # 更新表,并退出
  130. deep = openList[0].Dn
  131. finalFlag = finalFlag +1
  132. closedList.append(openList[0])
  133. endList = []
  134. del openList[0]
  135. if(finalFlag == 1):
  136. father = closedList[-1].Father
  137. endList.append(endArray)
  138. print("最终状态为:")
  139. printArray(endArray)
  140. while(father.Dn >=1):
  141. endList.append(father.array)
  142. father = father.Father
  143. endList.append(initObject.array)
  144. print("【变换成功,共需要" + str(deep) +"次变换】")
  145. for item in reversed(endList):
  146. printArray(item)
  147. sys.exit()
  148. else:
  149. countDn = countDn + 1
  150. # 找到选中的状态0下标
  151. zeroIndex = openList[0].array.index(0)
  152. # 获得该位置可select的operation
  153. operation = selectOperation(zeroIndex, openList[0].cameFrom)
  154. # print("0的下标", zeroIndex)
  155. # print("cameFrom的值", openList[0].cameFrom)
  156. # print("可进行的操作",operation)
  157. # # print("深度",openList[0].Dn)
  158. # print("选中的数组:")
  159. # printArray(openList[0].array)
  160. # 根据可选择的操作算出对应的序列
  161. tempStatusList = []
  162. for opeNum in operation:
  163. # 根据操作码返回改变后的数组
  164. copyArray = openList[0].array.copy()
  165. newArray = setArrayByOperation(zeroIndex, copyArray, opeNum)
  166. newStatusObj = statusObject() # 构造新对象插入open表
  167. newStatusObj.array = newArray
  168. newStatusObj.Dn = openList[0].Dn + 1 # 更新dn 再计算fn
  169. newFn = newStatusObj.Dn + countNotInPosition(newArray, endArray)
  170. # newFn = newStatusObj.Dn + countTotalLength(newArray, endArray)
  171. newStatusObj.Fn = newFn
  172. newStatusObj.cameFrom = opeNum
  173. newStatusObj.Father = openList[0]
  174. tempStatusList.append(newStatusObj)
  175. # 将操作后的tempStatusList按Fn的大小排序
  176. tempStatusList.sort(key=lambda t: t.Fn)
  177. # 更新closed表
  178. closedList.append(openList[0])
  179. # 更新open表
  180. del openList[0]
  181. for item in tempStatusList:
  182. openList.append(item)
  183. # 根据Fn将open表进行排序
  184. openList.sort(key=lambda t: t.Fn)
  185. # print("第"+str(countDn) +"次的结果:")
  186. # print("open表")
  187. # for item in openList:
  188. # print("Fn" + str(item.Fn))
  189. # print("操作" + str(item.cameFrom))
  190. # print("深度"+str(item.Dn))
  191. # printArray(item.array)
  192. # @SCY164759920
  193. # print("closed表")
  194. # for item2 in closedList:
  195. # print("Fn" + str(item2.Fn))
  196. # print("操作" + str(item2.cameFrom))
  197. # print("深度" + str(item2.Dn))
  198. # printArray(item2.array)
  199. # print("==================分割线======================")
  200. else:
  201. print("该种情况无解")

2022.10.28 13:32更新: 






        将源程序中两处计算Fn的函数进行替换 并添加两个计算函数


 【原】:initObject.Fn = countDn + countNotInPosition(initObject.array, endArray)

【替换】:initObject.Fn = countDn + countTotalLength(initObject.array, endArray)


【原】:newFn = newStatusObj.Dn + countNotInPosition(newArray, endArray)

【替换】:newFn = newStatusObj.Dn + countTotalLength(newArray, endArray)


  1. def computedLengthtoEndArray(value, current, end): # 两元素的下标之差并去绝对值
  2. def getX(index): # 获取当前index在第几行
  3. if 0 <= index <= 2:
  4. return 0
  5. if 3 <= index <= 5:
  6. return 1
  7. if 6 <= index <= 8:
  8. return 2
  9. def getY(index): # 获取当前index在第几列
  10. if index % 3 == 0:
  11. return 0
  12. elif (index + 1) % 3 == 0:
  13. return 2
  14. else:
  15. return 1
  16. currentIndex = current.index(value) # 获取当前下标
  17. currentX = getX(currentIndex)
  18. currentY = getY(currentIndex)
  19. endIndex = end.index(value) # 获取终止下标
  20. endX = getX(endIndex)
  21. endY = getY(endIndex)
  22. length = abs(endX - currentX) + abs(endY - currentY)
  23. return length
  24. def countTotalLength(current, end):
  25. # 根据current和end计算current每个棋子与目标位置之间的距离和【除0】
  26. count = 0
  27. for item in current:
  28. if item != 0:
  29. count = count + computedLengthtoEndArray(item, current, end)
  30. return count






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