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admin 阅读: 2024-03-20






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import re __all__ = ['Tomd', 'convert'] MARKDOWN = { 'h1': ('\n# ', '\n'), 'h2': ('\n## ', '\n'), 'h3': ('\n### ', '\n'), 'h4': ('\n#### ', '\n'), 'h5': ('\n##### ', '\n'), 'h6': ('\n###### ', '\n'), 'code': ('`', '`'), 'ul': ('', ''), 'ol': ('', ''), 'li': ('- ', ''), 'blockquote': ('\n> ', '\n'), 'em': ('**', '**'), 'strong': ('**', '**'), 'block_code': ('\n```\n', '\n```\n'), 'span': ('', ''), 'p': ('\n', '\n'), 'p_with_out_class': ('\n', '\n'), 'inline_p': ('', ''), 'inline_p_with_out_class': ('', ''), 'b': ('**', '**'), 'i': ('*', '*'), 'del': ('~~', '~~'), 'hr': ('\n---', '\n\n'), 'thead': ('\n', '|------\n'), 'tbody': ('\n', '\n'), 'td': ('|', ''), 'th': ('|', ''), 'tr': ('', '\n') } BlOCK_ELEMENTS = { 'h1': '(.*?)', 'h2': '(.*?)', 'h3': '(.*?)', 'h4': '(.*?)', 'h5': '(.*?)', 'h6': '(.*?)', 'hr': '
, 'blockquote': '(.*?)', 'ul': '(.*?)', 'ol': '(.*?)', 'block_code': '(.*?)', 'p': '(.*?)

, 'p_with_out_class': '


, 'thead': '(.*?)', 'tr': '(.*?)' } INLINE_ELEMENTS = { 'td': '(.*?)', 'tr': '(.*?)', 'th': '(.*?)', 'b': '(.*?)', 'i': '(.*?)', 'del': '(.*?)', 'inline_p': '(.*?)

, 'inline_p_with_out_class': '


, 'code': '(.*?)', 'span': '(.*?)', 'ul': '(.*?)', 'ol': '(.*?)', 'li': '(.*?)', 'img': '(.*?)', 'a': '(.*?)', 'em': '(.*?)', 'strong': '(.*?)' } DELETE_ELEMENTS = ['', '', '', ''] class Element: def __init__(self, start_pos, end_pos, content, tag, is_block=False): self.start_pos = start_pos self.end_pos = end_pos self.content = content self._elements = [] self.is_block = is_block self.tag = tag self._result = None if self.is_block: self.parse_inline() def __str__(self): wrapper = MARKDOWN.get(self.tag) self._result = '{}{}{}'.format(wrapper[0], self.content, wrapper[1]) return self._result def parse_inline(self): for tag, pattern in INLINE_ELEMENTS.items(): if tag == 'a': self.content = re.sub(pattern, '[\g<2>](\g<1>)', self.content) elif tag == 'img': self.content = re.sub(pattern, '![\g<2>](\g<1>)', self.content) elif self.tag == 'ul' and tag == 'li': self.content = re.sub(pattern, '- \g<1>', self.content) elif self.tag == 'ol' and tag == 'li': self.content = re.sub(pattern, '1. \g<1>', self.content) elif self.tag == 'thead' and tag == 'tr': self.content = re.sub(pattern, '\g<1>\n', self.content.replace('\n', '')) elif self.tag == 'tr' and tag == 'th': self.content = re.sub(pattern, '|\g<1>', self.content.replace('\n', '')) elif self.tag == 'tr' and tag == 'td': self.content = re.sub(pattern, '|\g<1>', self.content.replace('\n', '')) else: wrapper = MARKDOWN.get(tag) self.content = re.sub(pattern, '{}\g<1>{}'.format(wrapper[0], wrapper[1]), self.content) class Tomd: def __init__(self, html='', options=None): self.html = html self.options = options self._markdown = '' def convert(self, html, options=None): elements = [] for tag, pattern in BlOCK_ELEMENTS.items(): for m in re.finditer(pattern, html, re.I | re.S | re.M): element = Element(start_pos=m.start(), end_pos=m.end(), content=''.join(m.groups()), tag=tag, is_block=True) can_append = True for e in elements: if e.start_pos < m.start() and e.end_pos > m.end(): can_append = False elif e.start_pos > m.start() and e.end_pos < m.end(): elements.remove(e) if can_append: elements.append(element) elements.sort(key=lambda element: element.start_pos) self._markdown = ''.join([str(e) for e in elements]) for index, element in enumerate(DELETE_ELEMENTS): self._markdown = re.sub(element, '', self._markdown) return self._markdown @property def markdown(self): self.convert(self.html, self.options) return self._markdown _inst = Tomd() convert = _inst.convert
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def result_file(folder_username, file_name, folder_name): folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "..", folder_name, folder_username) if not os.path.exists(folder): try: os.makedirs(folder) except Exception: pass path = os.path.join(folder, file_name) file = open(path,"w") file.close() else: path = os.path.join(folder, file_name) return path def get_headers(cookie_path:str): cookies = {} with open(cookie_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: cookie_list = f.readlines() for line in cookie_list: cookie = line.split(":") cookies[cookie[0]] = str(cookie[1]).strip() return cookies def delete_ele(soup:BeautifulSoup, tags:list): for ele in tags: for useless_tag in soup.select(ele): useless_tag.decompose() def delete_ele_attr(soup:BeautifulSoup, attrs:list): for attr in attrs: for useless_attr in soup.find_all(): del useless_attr[attr] def delete_blank_ele(soup:BeautifulSoup, eles_except:list): for useless_attr in soup.find_all(): try: if useless_attr.name not in eles_except and useless_attr.text == "": useless_attr.decompose() except Exception: pass class TaskQueue(object): def __init__(self): self.VisitedList = [] self.UnVisitedList = [] def getVisitedList(self): return self.VisitedList def getUnVisitedList(self): return self.UnVisitedList def InsertVisitedList(self, url): if url not in self.VisitedList: self.VisitedList.append(url) def InsertUnVisitedList(self, url): if url not in self.UnVisitedList: self.UnVisitedList.append(url) def RemoveVisitedList(self, url): self.VisitedList.remove(url) def PopUnVisitedList(self,index=0): url = [] if index and self.UnVisitedList: url = self.UnVisitedList[index] del self.UnVisitedList[:index] elif self.UnVisitedList: url = self.UnVisitedList.pop() return url def getUnVisitedListLength(self): return len(self.UnVisitedList) class CSDN(object): def __init__(self, username, folder_name, cookie_path): # self.headers = { # "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.70 Safari/537.36" # } self.headers = get_headers(cookie_path) self.s = requests.Session() self.username = username self.TaskQueue = TaskQueue() self.folder_name = folder_name self.url_num = 1 def start(self): num = 0 articles = [None] while len(articles) > 0: num += 1 url = u'https://blog.csdn.net/' + self.username + '/article/list/' + str(num) response = self.s.get(url=url, headers=self.headers) html = response.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") articles = soup.find_all('div', attrs={"class":"article-item-box csdn-tracking-statistics"}) for article in articles: article_title = article.a.text.strip().replace(' ',':') article_href = article.a['href'] with ensure_memory(sys.getsizeof(self.TaskQueue.UnVisitedList)): self.TaskQueue.InsertUnVisitedList([article_title, article_href]) def get_md(self, url): response = self.s.get(url=url, headers=self.headers) html = response.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml') content = soup.select_one("#content_views") # 删除注释 for useless_tag in content(text=lambda text: isinstance(text, Comment)): useless_tag.extract() # 删除无用标签 tags = ["svg", "ul", ".hljs-button.signin"] delete_ele(content, tags) # 删除标签属性 attrs = ["class", "name", "id", "onclick", "style", "data-token", "rel"] delete_ele_attr(content,attrs) # 删除空白标签 eles_except = ["img", "br", "hr"] delete_blank_ele(content, eles_except) # 转换为markdown md = Tomd(str(content)).markdown return md def write_readme(self): print("+"*100) print("[++] 开始爬取 {} 的博文 ......".format(self.username)) print("+"*100) reademe_path = result_file(self.username,file_name="README.md",folder_name=self.folder_name) with open(reademe_path,'w', encoding='utf-8') as reademe_file: readme_head = "# " + self.username + " 的博文\n" reademe_file.write(readme_head) for [article_title,article_href] in self.TaskQueue.UnVisitedList[::-1]: text = str(self.url_num) + '. [' + article_title + ']('+ article_href +')\n' reademe_file.write(text) self.url_num += 1 self.url_num = 1 def get_all_articles(self): try: while True: [article_title,article_href] = self.TaskQueue.PopUnVisitedList() try: file_name = re.sub(r'[\/::*?"<>|]','-', article_title) + ".md" artical_path = result_file(folder_username=self.username, file_name=file_name, folder_name=self.folder_name) md_head = "# " + article_title + "\n" md = md_head + self.get_md(article_href) print("[++++] 正在处理URL:{}".format(article_href)) with open(artical_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as artical_file: artical_file.write(md) except Exception: print("[----] 处理URL异常:{}".format(article_href)) self.url_num += 1 except Exception: pass def muti_spider(self, thread_num): while self.TaskQueue.getUnVisitedListLength() > 0: thread_list = [] for i in range(thread_num): th = threading.Thread(target=self.get_all_articles) thread_list.append(th) for th in thread_list: th.start() lock = threading.Lock() total_mem= 1024 * 1024 * 500 #500MB spare memory @contextlib.contextmanager def ensure_memory(size): global total_mem while 1: with lock: if total_mem > size: total_mem-= size break time.sleep(5) yield with lock: total_mem += size def spider_user(username: str, cookie_path:str, thread_num: int = 10, folder_name: str = "articles"): if not os.path.exists(folder_name): os.makedirs(folder_name) csdn = CSDN(username, folder_name, cookie_path) csdn.start() th1 = threading.Thread(target=csdn.write_readme) th1.start() th2 = threading.Thread(target=csdn.muti_spider, args=(thread_num,)) th2.start() def spider(usernames: list, cookie_path:str, thread_num: int = 10, folder_name: str = "articles"): for username in usernames: try: user_thread = threading.Thread(target=spider_user,args=(username, cookie_path, thread_num, folder_name)) user_thread.start() print("[++] 开启爬取 {} 博文进程成功 ......".format(username)) except Exception: print("[--] 开启爬取 {} 博文进程出现异常 ......".format(username))
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