后台-插件-广告管理-内容页头部广告(手机) |
- 1、吃金币
- 2、打乒乓
- 3、滑雪
- 4、并夕夕版飞机大战
- 5、打地鼠
- 6、小恐龙
- 7、消消乐
- 8、俄罗斯方块
- 9、贪吃蛇
- 10、24点小游戏
- 11、平衡木
- 12、外星人入侵
- 13、贪心鸟
- 14、井字棋888‘'
- 关于Python技术储备
- 一、Python所有方向的学习路线
- 二、Python基础学习视频
- 三、精品Python学习书籍
- 四、Python工具包+项目源码合集
- ①Python工具包
- ②Python实战案例
- ③Python小游戏源码
- 五、面试资料
- 六、Python兼职渠道
import os import cfg import sys import pygame import random from modules import \* '''游戏初始化''' def initGame(): # 初始化pygame, 设置展示窗口 pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set\_mode(cfg.SCREENSIZE) pygame.display.set\_caption('catch coins —— 九歌') # 加载必要的游戏素材 game\_images = {} for key, value in cfg.IMAGE\_PATHS.items(): if isinstance(value, list): images = \[\] for item in value: images.append(pygame.image.load(item)) game\_images\[key\] = images else: game\_images\[key\] = pygame.image.load(value) game\_sounds = {} for key, value in cfg.AUDIO\_PATHS.items(): if key == 'bgm': continue game\_sounds\[key\] = pygame.mixer.Sound(value) # 返回初始化数据 return screen, game\_images, game\_sounds '''主函数''' def main(): # 初始化 screen, game\_images, game\_sounds = initGame() # 播放背景音乐 pygame.mixer.music.load(cfg.AUDIO\_PATHS\['bgm'\]) pygame.mixer.music.play(-1, 0.0) # 字体加载 font = pygame.font.Font(cfg.FONT\_PATH, 40) # 定义hero hero = Hero(game\_images\['hero'\], position=(375, 520)) # 定义食物组 food\_sprites\_group = pygame.sprite.Group() generate\_food\_freq = random.randint(10, 20) generate\_food\_count = 0 # 当前分数/历史最高分 score = 0 highest\_score = 0 if not os.path.exists(cfg.HIGHEST\_SCORE\_RECORD\_FILEPATH) else int(open(cfg.HIGHEST\_SCORE\_RECORD\_FILEPATH).read()) # 游戏主循环 clock = pygame.time.Clock() while True: # --填充背景 screen.fill(0) screen.blit(game\_images\['background'\], (0, 0)) # --倒计时信息 countdown\_text = 'Count down: ' + str((90000 - pygame.time.get\_ticks()) // 60000) + ":" + str((90000 - pygame.time.get\_ticks()) // 1000 % 60).zfill(2) countdown\_text = font.render(countdown\_text, True, (0, 0, 0)) countdown\_rect = countdown\_text.get\_rect() countdown\_rect.topright = \[cfg.SCREENSIZE\[0\]-30, 5\] screen.blit(countdown\_text, countdown\_rect) # --按键检测 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() key\_pressed = pygame.key.get\_pressed() if key\_pressed\[pygame.K\_a\] or key\_pressed\[pygame.K\_LEFT\]: hero.move(cfg.SCREENSIZE, 'left') if key\_pressed\[pygame.K\_d\] or key\_pressed\[pygame.K\_RIGHT\]: hero.move(cfg.SCREENSIZE, 'right') # --随机生成食物 generate\_food\_count += 1 if generate\_food\_count > generate\_food\_freq: generate\_food\_freq = random.randint(10, 20) generate\_food\_count = 0 food = Food(game\_images, random.choice(\['gold',\] \* 10 + \['apple'\]), cfg.SCREENSIZE) food\_sprites\_group.add(food) # --更新食物 for food in food\_sprites\_group: if food.update(): food\_sprites\_group.remove(food) # --碰撞检测 for food in food\_sprites\_group: if pygame.sprite.collide\_mask(food, hero): game\_sounds\['get'\].play() food\_sprites\_group.remove(food) score += food.score if score > highest\_score: highest\_score = score # --画hero hero.draw(screen) # --画食物 food\_sprites\_group.draw(screen) # --显示得分 score\_text = f'Score: {score}, Highest: {highest\_score}' score\_text = font.render(score\_text, True, (0, 0, 0)) score\_rect = score\_text.get\_rect() score\_rect.topleft = \[5, 5\] screen.blit(score\_text, score\_rect) # --判断游戏是否结束 if pygame.time.get\_ticks() >= 90000: break # --更新屏幕 pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(cfg.FPS) # 游戏结束, 记录最高分并显示游戏结束画面 fp = open(cfg.HIGHEST\_SCORE\_RECORD\_FILEPATH, 'w') fp.write(str(highest\_score)) fp.close() return showEndGameInterface(screen, cfg, score, highest\_score) '''run''' if \_\_name\_\_ == '\_\_main\_\_': while main(): pass
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import sys import cfg import pygame from modules import \* '''定义按钮''' def Button(screen, position, text, button\_size=(200, 50)): left, top = position bwidth, bheight = button\_size pygame.draw.line(screen, (150, 150, 150), (left, top), (left+bwidth, top), 5) pygame.draw.line(screen, (150, 150, 150), (left, top-2), (left, top+bheight), 5) pygame.draw.line(screen, (50, 50, 50), (left, top+bheight), (left+bwidth, top+bheight), 5) pygame.draw.line(screen, (50, 50, 50), (left+bwidth, top+bheight), (left+bwidth, top), 5) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (100, 100, 100), (left, top, bwidth, bheight)) font = pygame.font.Font(cfg.FONTPATH, 30) text\_render = font.render(text, 1, (255, 235, 205)) return screen.blit(text\_render, (left+50, top+10)) ''' Function: 开始界面 Input: --screen: 游戏界面 Return: --game\_mode: 1(单人模式)/2(双人模式) ''' def startInterface(screen): clock = pygame.time.Clock() while True: screen.fill((41, 36, 33)) button\_1 = Button(screen, (150, 175), '1 Player') button\_2 = Button(screen, (150, 275), '2 Player') for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if button\_1.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get\_pos()): return 1 elif button\_2.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get\_pos()): return 2 clock.tick(10) pygame.display.update() '''结束界面''' def endInterface(screen, score\_left, score\_right): clock = pygame.time.Clock() font1 = pygame.font.Font(cfg.FONTPATH, 30) font2 = pygame.font.Font(cfg.FONTPATH, 20) msg = 'Player on left won!' if score\_left > score\_right else 'Player on right won!' texts = \[font1.render(msg, True, cfg.WHITE), font2.render('Press ESCAPE to quit.', True, cfg.WHITE), font2.render('Press ENTER to continue or play again.', True, cfg.WHITE)\] positions = \[\[120, 200\], \[155, 270\], \[80, 300\]\] while True: screen.fill((41, 36, 33)) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K\_RETURN: return elif event.key == pygame.K\_ESCAPE: sys.exit() pygame.quit() for text, pos in zip(texts, positions): screen.blit(text, pos) clock.tick(10) pygame.display.update() '''运行游戏Demo''' def runDemo(screen): # 加载游戏素材 hit\_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(cfg.HITSOUNDPATH) goal\_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(cfg.GOALSOUNDPATH) pygame.mixer.music.load(cfg.BGMPATH) pygame.mixer.music.play(-1, 0.0) font = pygame.font.Font(cfg.FONTPATH, 50) # 开始界面 game\_mode = startInterface(screen) # 游戏主循环 # --左边球拍(ws控制, 仅双人模式时可控制) score\_left = 0 racket\_left = Racket(cfg.RACKETPICPATH, 'LEFT', cfg) # --右边球拍(↑↓控制) score\_right = 0 racket\_right = Racket(cfg.RACKETPICPATH, 'RIGHT', cfg) # --球 ball = Ball(cfg.BALLPICPATH, cfg) clock = pygame.time.Clock() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit(-1) screen.fill((41, 36, 33)) # 玩家操作 pressed\_keys = pygame.key.get\_pressed() if pressed\_keys\[pygame.K\_UP\]: racket\_right.move('UP') elif pressed\_keys\[pygame.K\_DOWN\]: racket\_right.move('DOWN') if game\_mode == 2: if pressed\_keys\[pygame.K\_w\]: racket\_left.move('UP') elif pressed\_keys\[pygame.K\_s\]: racket\_left.move('DOWN') else: racket\_left.automove(ball) # 球运动 scores = ball.move(ball, racket\_left, racket\_right, hit\_sound, goal\_sound) score\_left += scores\[0\] score\_right += scores\[1\] # 显示 # --分隔线 pygame.draw.rect(screen, cfg.WHITE, (247, 0, 6, 500)) # --球 ball.draw(screen) # --拍 racket\_left.draw(screen) racket\_right.draw(screen) # --得分 screen.blit(font.render(str(score\_left), False, cfg.WHITE), (150, 10)) screen.blit(font.render(str(score\_right), False, cfg.WHITE), (300, 10)) if score\_left == 11 or score\_right == 11: return score\_left, score\_right clock.tick(100) pygame.display.update() '''主函数''' def main(): # 初始化 pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() screen = pygame.display.set\_mode((cfg.WIDTH, cfg.HEIGHT)) pygame.display.set\_caption('pingpong —— 九歌') # 开始游戏 while True: score\_left, score\_right = runDemo(screen) endInterface(screen, score\_left, score\_right) '''run''' if \_\_name\_\_ == '\_\_main\_\_': main()
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import sys import cfg import pygame import random '''滑雪者类''' class SkierClass(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def \_\_init\_\_(self): pygame.sprite.Sprite.\_\_init\_\_(self) # 滑雪者的朝向(-2到2) self.direction = 0 self.imagepaths = cfg.SKIER\_IMAGE\_PATHS\[:-1\] self.image = pygame.image.load(self.imagepaths\[self.direction\]) self.rect = self.image.get\_rect() self.rect.center = \[320, 100\] self.speed = \[self.direction, 6-abs(self.direction)\*2\] '''改变滑雪者的朝向. 负数为向左,正数为向右,0为向前''' def turn(self, num): self.direction += num self.direction = max(-2, self.direction) self.direction = min(2, self.direction) center = self.rect.center self.image = pygame.image.load(self.imagepaths\[self.direction\]) self.rect = self.image.get\_rect() self.rect.center = center self.speed = \[self.direction, 6-abs(self.direction)\*2\] return self.speed '''移动滑雪者''' def move(self): self.rect.centerx += self.speed\[0\] self.rect.centerx = max(20, self.rect.centerx) self.rect.centerx = min(620, self.rect.centerx) '''设置为摔倒状态''' def setFall(self): self.image = pygame.image.load(cfg.SKIER\_IMAGE\_PATHS\[-1\]) '''设置为站立状态''' def setForward(self): self.direction = 0 self.image = pygame.image.load(self.imagepaths\[self.direction\]) ''' Function: 障碍物类 Input: img\_path: 障碍物图片路径 location: 障碍物位置 attribute: 障碍物类别属性 ''' class ObstacleClass(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def \_\_init\_\_(self, img\_path, location, attribute): pygame.sprite.Sprite.\_\_init\_\_(self) self.img\_path = img\_path self.image = pygame.image.load(self.img\_path) self.location = location self.rect = self.image.get\_rect() self.rect.center = self.location self.attribute = attribute self.passed = False '''移动''' def move(self, num): self.rect.centery = self.location\[1\] - num '''创建障碍物''' def createObstacles(s, e, num=10): obstacles = pygame.sprite.Group() locations = \[\] for i in range(num): row = random.randint(s, e) col = random.randint(0, 9) location = \[col\*64+20, row\*64+20\] if location not in locations: locations.append(location) attribute = random.choice(list(cfg.OBSTACLE\_PATHS.keys())) img\_path = cfg.OBSTACLE\_PATHS\[attribute\] obstacle = ObstacleClass(img\_path, location, attribute) obstacles.add(obstacle) return obstacles '''合并障碍物''' def AddObstacles(obstacles0, obstacles1): obstacles = pygame.sprite.Group() for obstacle in obstacles0: obstacles.add(obstacle) for obstacle in obstacles1: obstacles.add(obstacle) return obstacles '''显示游戏开始界面''' def ShowStartInterface(screen, screensize): screen.fill((255, 255, 255)) tfont = pygame.font.Font(cfg.FONTPATH, screensize\[0\]//5) cfont = pygame.font.Font(cfg.FONTPATH, screensize\[0\]//20) title = tfont.render(u'滑雪游戏', True, (255, 0, 0)) content = cfont.render(u'按任意键开始游戏', True, (0, 0, 255)) trect = title.get\_rect() trect.midtop = (screensize\[0\]/2, screensize\[1\]/5) crect = content.get\_rect() crect.midtop = (screensize\[0\]/2, screensize\[1\]/2) screen.blit(title, trect) screen.blit(content, crect) while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: return pygame.display.update() '''显示分数''' def showScore(screen, score, pos=(10, 10)): font = pygame.font.Font(cfg.FONTPATH, 30) score\_text = font.render("Score: %s" % score, True, (0, 0, 0)) screen.blit(score\_text, pos) '''更新当前帧的游戏画面''' def updateFrame(screen, obstacles, skier, score): screen.fill((255, 255, 255)) obstacles.draw(screen) screen.blit(skier.image, skier.rect) showScore(screen, score) pygame.display.update() '''主程序''' def main(): # 游戏初始化 pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() pygame.mixer.music.load(cfg.BGMPATH) pygame.mixer.music.set\_volume(0.4) pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) # 设置屏幕 screen = pygame.display.set\_mode(cfg.SCREENSIZE) pygame.display.set\_caption('滑雪游戏 —— 九歌') # 游戏开始界面 ShowStartInterface(screen, cfg.SCREENSIZE) # 实例化游戏精灵 # --滑雪者 skier = SkierClass() # --创建障碍物 obstacles0 = createObstacles(20, 29) obstacles1 = createObstacles(10, 19) obstaclesflag = 0 obstacles = AddObstacles(obstacles0, obstacles1) # 游戏clock clock = pygame.time.Clock() # 记录滑雪的距离 distance = 0 # 记录当前的分数 score = 0 # 记录当前的速度 speed = \[0, 6\] # 游戏主循环 while True: # --事件捕获 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K\_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K\_a: speed = skier.turn(-1) elif event.key == pygame.K\_RIGHT or event.key == pygame.K\_d: speed = skier.turn(1) # --更新当前游戏帧的数据 skier.move() distance += speed\[1\] if distance >= 640 and obstaclesflag == 0: obstaclesflag = 1 obstacles0 = createObstacles(20, 29) obstacles = AddObstacles(obstacles0, obstacles1) if distance >= 1280 and obstaclesflag == 1: obstaclesflag = 0 distance -= 1280 for obstacle in obstacles0: obstacle.location\[1\] = obstacle.location\[1\] - 1280 obstacles1 = createObstacles(10, 19) obstacles = AddObstacles(obstacles0, obstacles1) for obstacle in obstacles: obstacle.move(distance) # --碰撞检测 hitted\_obstacles = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(skier, obstacles, False) if hitted\_obstacles: if hitted\_obstacles\[0\].attribute == "tree" and not hitted\_obstacles\[0\].passed: score -= 50 skier.setFall() updateFrame(screen, obstacles, skier, score) pygame.time.delay(1000) skier.setForward() speed = \[0, 6\] hitted\_obstacles\[0\].passed = True elif hitted\_obstacles\[0\].attribute == "flag" and not hitted\_obstacles\[0\].passed: score += 10 obstacles.remove(hitted\_obstacles\[0\]) # --更新屏幕 updateFrame(screen, obstacles, skier, score) clock.tick(cfg.FPS) '''run''' if \_\_name\_\_ == '\_\_main\_\_': main();
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import sys import cfg import pygame from modules import \* '''游戏界面''' def GamingInterface(num\_player, screen): # 初始化 pygame.mixer.music.load(cfg.SOUNDPATHS\['Cool Space Music'\]) pygame.mixer.music.set\_volume(0.4) pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) explosion\_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(cfg.SOUNDPATHS\['boom'\]) fire\_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(cfg.SOUNDPATHS\['shot'\]) font = pygame.font.Font(cfg.FONTPATH, 20) # 游戏背景图 bg\_imgs = \[cfg.IMAGEPATHS\['bg\_big'\], cfg.IMAGEPATHS\['seamless\_space'\], cfg.IMAGEPATHS\['space3'\]\] bg\_move\_dis = 0 bg\_1 = pygame.image.load(bg\_imgs\[0\]).convert() bg\_2 = pygame.image.load(bg\_imgs\[1\]).convert() bg\_3 = pygame.image.load(bg\_imgs\[2\]).convert() # 玩家, 子弹和小行星精灵组 player\_group = pygame.sprite.Group() bullet\_group = pygame.sprite.Group() asteroid\_group = pygame.sprite.Group() # 产生小行星的时间间隔 asteroid\_ticks = 90 for i in range(num\_player): player\_group.add(Ship(i+1, cfg)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() # 分数 score\_1, score\_2 = 0, 0 # 游戏主循环 while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() # --玩家一: ↑↓←→控制, j射击; 玩家二: wsad控制, 空格射击 pressed\_keys = pygame.key.get\_pressed() for idx, player in enumerate(player\_group): direction = None if idx == 0: if pressed\_keys\[pygame.K\_UP\]: direction = 'up' elif pressed\_keys\[pygame.K\_DOWN\]: direction = 'down' elif pressed\_keys\[pygame.K\_LEFT\]: direction = 'left' elif pressed\_keys\[pygame.K\_RIGHT\]: direction = 'right' if direction: player.move(direction) if pressed\_keys\[pygame.K\_j\]: if player.cooling\_time == 0: fire\_sound.play() bullet\_group.add(player.shot()) player.cooling\_time = 20 elif idx == 1: if pressed\_keys\[pygame.K\_w\]: direction = 'up' elif pressed\_keys\[pygame.K\_s\]: direction = 'down' elif pressed\_keys\[pygame.K\_a\]: direction = 'left' elif pressed\_keys\[pygame.K\_d\]: direction = 'right' if direction: player.move(direction) if pressed\_keys\[pygame.K\_SPACE\]: if player.cooling\_time == 0: fire\_sound.play() bullet\_group.add(player.shot()) player.cooling\_time = 20 if player.cooling\_time > 0: player.cooling\_time -= 1 if (score\_1 + score\_2) < 500: background = bg\_1 elif (score\_1 + score\_2) < 1500: background = bg\_2 else: background = bg\_3 # --向下移动背景图实现飞船向上移动的效果 screen.blit(background, (0, -background.get\_rect().height + bg\_move\_dis)) screen.blit(background, (0, bg\_move\_dis)) bg\_move\_dis = (bg\_move\_dis + 2) % background.get\_rect().height # --生成小行星 if asteroid\_ticks == 0: asteroid\_ticks = 90 asteroid\_group.add(Asteroid(cfg)) else: asteroid\_ticks -= 1 # --画飞船 for player in player\_group: if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(player, asteroid\_group, True, None): player.explode\_step = 1 explosion\_sound.play() elif player.explode\_step > 0: if player.explode\_step > 3: player\_group.remove(player) if len(player\_group) == 0: return else: player.explode(screen) else: player.draw(screen) # --画子弹 for bullet in bullet\_group: bullet.move() if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(bullet, asteroid\_group, True, None): bullet\_group.remove(bullet) if bullet.player\_idx == 1: score\_1 += 1 else: score\_2 += 1 else: bullet.draw(screen) # --画小行星 for asteroid in asteroid\_group: asteroid.move() asteroid.rotate() asteroid.draw(screen) # --显示分数 score\_1\_text = '玩家一得分: %s' % score\_1 score\_2\_text = '玩家二得分: %s' % score\_2 text\_1 = font.render(score\_1\_text, True, (0, 0, 255)) text\_2 = font.render(score\_2\_text, True, (255, 0, 0)) screen.blit(text\_1, (2, 5)) screen.blit(text\_2, (2, 35)) # --屏幕刷新 pygame.display.update() clock.tick(60) '''主函数''' def main(): pygame.init() pygame.font.init() pygame.mixer.init() screen = pygame.display.set\_mode(cfg.SCREENSIZE) pygame.display.set\_caption('飞机大战 —— 九歌') num\_player = StartInterface(screen, cfg) if num\_player == 1: while True: GamingInterface(num\_player=1, screen=screen) EndInterface(screen, cfg) else: while True: GamingInterface(num\_player=2, screen=screen) EndInterface(screen, cfg) '''run''' if \_\_name\_\_ == '\_\_main\_\_': main()
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import cfg import sys import pygame import random from modules import \* '''游戏初始化''' def initGame(): pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() screen = pygame.display.set\_mode(cfg.SCREENSIZE) pygame.display.set\_caption('打地鼠 —— 九歌') return screen '''主函数''' def main(): # 初始化 screen = initGame() # 加载背景音乐和其他音效 pygame.mixer.music.load(cfg.BGM\_PATH) pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) audios = { 'count\_down': pygame.mixer.Sound(cfg.COUNT\_DOWN\_SOUND\_PATH), 'hammering': pygame.mixer.Sound(cfg.HAMMERING\_SOUND\_PATH) } # 加载字体 font = pygame.font.Font(cfg.FONT\_PATH, 40) # 加载背景图片 bg\_img = pygame.image.load(cfg.GAME\_BG\_IMAGEPATH) # 开始界面 startInterface(screen, cfg.GAME\_BEGIN\_IMAGEPATHS) # 地鼠改变位置的计时 hole\_pos = random.choice(cfg.HOLE\_POSITIONS) change\_hole\_event = pygame.USEREVENT pygame.time.set\_timer(change\_hole\_event, 800) # 地鼠 mole = Mole(cfg.MOLE\_IMAGEPATHS, hole\_pos) # 锤子 hammer = Hammer(cfg.HAMMER\_IMAGEPATHS, (500, 250)) # 时钟 clock = pygame.time.Clock() # 分数 your\_score = 0 flag = False # 初始时间 init\_time = pygame.time.get\_ticks() # 游戏主循环 while True: # --游戏时间为60s time\_remain = round((61000 - (pygame.time.get\_ticks() - init\_time)) / 1000.) # --游戏时间减少, 地鼠变位置速度变快 if time\_remain == 40 and not flag: hole\_pos = random.choice(cfg.HOLE\_POSITIONS) mole.reset() mole.setPosition(hole\_pos) pygame.time.set\_timer(change\_hole\_event, 650) flag = True elif time\_remain == 20 and flag: hole\_pos = random.choice(cfg.HOLE\_POSITIONS) mole.reset() mole.setPosition(hole\_pos) pygame.time.set\_timer(change\_hole\_event, 500) flag = False # --倒计时音效 if time\_remain == 10: audios\['count\_down'\].play() # --游戏结束 if time\_remain < 0: break count\_down\_text = font.render('Time: '+str(time\_remain), True, cfg.WHITE) # --按键检测 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: hammer.setPosition(pygame.mouse.get\_pos()) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: hammer.setHammering() elif event.type == change\_hole\_event: hole\_pos = random.choice(cfg.HOLE\_POSITIONS) mole.reset() mole.setPosition(hole\_pos) # --碰撞检测 if hammer.is\_hammering and not mole.is\_hammer: is\_hammer = pygame.sprite.collide\_mask(hammer, mole) if is\_hammer: audios\['hammering'\].play() mole.setBeHammered() your\_score += 10 # --分数 your\_score\_text = font.render('Score: '+str(your\_score), True, cfg.BROWN) # --绑定必要的游戏元素到屏幕(注意顺序) screen.blit(bg\_img, (0, 0)) screen.blit(count\_down\_text, (875, 8)) screen.blit(your\_score\_text, (800, 430)) mole.draw(screen) hammer.draw(screen) # --更新 pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(60) # 读取最佳分数(try块避免第一次游戏无.rec文件) try: best\_score = int(open(cfg.RECORD\_PATH).read()) except: best\_score = 0 # 若当前分数大于最佳分数则更新最佳分数 if your\_score > best\_score: f = open(cfg.RECORD\_PATH, 'w') f.write(str(your\_score)) f.close() # 结束界面 score\_info = {'your\_score': your\_score, 'best\_score': best\_score} is\_restart = endInterface(screen, cfg.GAME\_END\_IMAGEPATH, cfg.GAME\_AGAIN\_IMAGEPATHS, score\_info, cfg.FONT\_PATH, \[cfg.WHITE, cfg.RED\], cfg.SCREENSIZE) return is\_restart '''run''' if \_\_name\_\_ == '\_\_main\_\_': while True: is\_restart = main() if not is\_restart: break
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import cfg import sys import random import pygame from modules import \* '''main''' def main(highest\_score): # 游戏初始化 pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set\_mode(cfg.SCREENSIZE) pygame.display.set\_caption('九歌') # 导入所有声音文件 sounds = {} for key, value in cfg.AUDIO\_PATHS.items(): sounds\[key\] = pygame.mixer.Sound(value) # 游戏开始界面 GameStartInterface(screen, sounds, cfg) # 定义一些游戏中必要的元素和变量 score = 0 score\_board = Scoreboard(cfg.IMAGE\_PATHS\['numbers'\], position=(534, 15), bg\_color=cfg.BACKGROUND\_COLOR) highest\_score = highest\_score highest\_score\_board = Scoreboard(cfg.IMAGE\_PATHS\['numbers'\], position=(435, 15), bg\_color=cfg.BACKGROUND\_COLOR, is\_highest=True) dino = Dinosaur(cfg.IMAGE\_PATHS\['dino'\]) ground = Ground(cfg.IMAGE\_PATHS\['ground'\], position=(0, cfg.SCREENSIZE\[1\])) cloud\_sprites\_group = pygame.sprite.Group() cactus\_sprites\_group = pygame.sprite.Group() ptera\_sprites\_group = pygame.sprite.Group() add\_obstacle\_timer = 0 score\_timer = 0 # 游戏主循环 clock = pygame.time.Clock() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K\_SPACE or event.key == pygame.K\_UP: dino.jump(sounds) elif event.key == pygame.K\_DOWN: dino.duck() elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP and event.key == pygame.K\_DOWN: dino.unduck() screen.fill(cfg.BACKGROUND\_COLOR) # --随机添加云 if len(cloud\_sprites\_group) < 5 and random.randrange(0, 300) == 10: cloud\_sprites\_group.add(Cloud(cfg.IMAGE\_PATHS\['cloud'\], position=(cfg.SCREENSIZE\[0\], random.randrange(30, 75)))) # --随机添加仙人掌/飞龙 add\_obstacle\_timer += 1 if add\_obstacle\_timer > random.randrange(50, 150): add\_obstacle\_timer = 0 random\_value = random.randrange(0, 10) if random\_value >= 5 and random\_value <= 7: cactus\_sprites\_group.add(Cactus(cfg.IMAGE\_PATHS\['cacti'\])) else: position\_ys = \[cfg.SCREENSIZE\[1\]\*0.82, cfg.SCREENSIZE\[1\]\*0.75, cfg.SCREENSIZE\[1\]\*0.60, cfg.SCREENSIZE\[1\]\*0.20\] ptera\_sprites\_group.add(Ptera(cfg.IMAGE\_PATHS\['ptera'\], position=(600, random.choice(position\_ys)))) # --更新游戏元素 dino.update() ground.update() cloud\_sprites\_group.update() cactus\_sprites\_group.update() ptera\_sprites\_group.update() score\_timer += 1 if score\_timer > (cfg.FPS//12): score\_timer = 0 score += 1 score = min(score, 99999) if score > highest\_score: highest\_score = score if score % 100 == 0: sounds\['point'\].play() if score % 1000 == 0: ground.speed -= 1 for item in cloud\_sprites\_group: item.speed -= 1 for item in cactus\_sprites\_group: item.speed -= 1 for item in ptera\_sprites\_group: item.speed -= 1 # --碰撞检测 for item in cactus\_sprites\_group: if pygame.sprite.collide\_mask(dino, item): dino.die(sounds) for item in ptera\_sprites\_group: if pygame.sprite.collide\_mask(dino, item): dino.die(sounds) # --将游戏元素画到屏幕上 dino.draw(screen) ground.draw(screen) cloud\_sprites\_group.draw(screen) cactus\_sprites\_group.draw(screen) ptera\_sprites\_group.draw(screen) score\_board.set(score) highest\_score\_board.set(highest\_score) score\_board.draw(screen) highest\_score\_board.draw(screen) # --更新屏幕 pygame.display.update() clock.tick(cfg.FPS) # --游戏是否结束 if dino.is\_dead: break # 游戏结束界面 return GameEndInterface(screen, cfg), highest\_score '''run''' if \_\_name\_\_ == '\_\_main\_\_': highest\_score = 0 while True: flag, highest\_score = main(highest\_score) if not flag: break
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import os import sys import cfg import pygame from modules import \* '''游戏主程序''' def main(): pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set\_mode(cfg.SCREENSIZE) pygame.display.set\_caption('Gemgem —— 九歌') # 加载背景音乐 pygame.mixer.init() pygame.mixer.music.load(os.path.join(cfg.ROOTDIR, "resources/audios/bg.mp3")) pygame.mixer.music.set\_volume(0.6) pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) # 加载音效 sounds = {} sounds\['mismatch'\] = pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(cfg.ROOTDIR, 'resources/audios/badswap.wav')) sounds\['match'\] = \[\] for i in range(6): sounds\['match'\].append(pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(cfg.ROOTDIR, 'resources/audios/match%s.wav' % i))) # 加载字体 font = pygame.font.Font(os.path.join(cfg.ROOTDIR, 'resources/font/font.TTF'), 25) # 图片加载 gem\_imgs = \[\] for i in range(1, 8): gem\_imgs.append(os.path.join(cfg.ROOTDIR, 'resources/images/gem%s.png' % i)) # 主循环 game = gemGame(screen, sounds, font, gem\_imgs, cfg) while True: score = game.start() flag = False # 一轮游戏结束后玩家选择重玩或者退出 while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT or (event.type == pygame.KEYUP and event.key == pygame.K\_ESCAPE): pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP and event.key == pygame.K\_r: flag = True if flag: break screen.fill((135, 206, 235)) text0 = 'Final score: %s' % score text1 = 'Press
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import os import sys import random from modules import \* from PyQt5.QtGui import \* from PyQt5.QtCore import \* from PyQt5.QtWidgets import \* '''定义俄罗斯方块游戏类''' class TetrisGame(QMainWindow): def \_\_init\_\_(self, parent=None): super(TetrisGame, self).\_\_init\_\_(parent) # 是否暂停ing self.is\_paused = False # 是否开始ing self.is\_started = False self.initUI() '''界面初始化''' def initUI(self): # icon self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'resources/icon.jpg'))) # 块大小 self.grid\_size = 22 # 游戏帧率 self.fps = 200 self.timer = QBasicTimer() # 焦点 self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) # 水平布局 layout\_horizontal = QHBoxLayout() self.inner\_board = InnerBoard() self.external\_board = ExternalBoard(self, self.grid\_size, self.inner\_board) layout\_horizontal.addWidget(self.external\_board) self.side\_panel = SidePanel(self, self.grid\_size, self.inner\_board) layout\_horizontal.addWidget(self.side\_panel) self.status\_bar = self.statusBar() self.external\_board.score\_signal\[str\].connect(self.status\_bar.showMessage) self.start() self.center() self.setWindowTitle('Tetris —— 九歌') self.show() self.setFixedSize(self.external\_board.width() + self.side\_panel.width(), self.side\_panel.height() + self.status\_bar.height()) '''游戏界面移动到屏幕中间''' def center(self): screen = QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry() size = self.geometry() self.move((screen.width() - size.width()) // 2, (screen.height() - size.height()) // 2) '''更新界面''' def updateWindow(self): self.external\_board.updateData() self.side\_panel.updateData() self.update() '''开始''' def start(self): if self.is\_started: return self.is\_started = True self.inner\_board.createNewTetris() self.timer.start(self.fps, self) '''暂停/不暂停''' def pause(self): if not self.is\_started: return self.is\_paused = not self.is\_paused if self.is\_paused: self.timer.stop() self.external\_board.score\_signal.emit('Paused') else: self.timer.start(self.fps, self) self.updateWindow() '''计时器事件''' def timerEvent(self, event): if event.timerId() == self.timer.timerId(): removed\_lines = self.inner\_board.moveDown() self.external\_board.score += removed\_lines self.updateWindow() else: super(TetrisGame, self).timerEvent(event) '''按键事件''' def keyPressEvent(self, event): if not self.is\_started or self.inner\_board.current\_tetris == tetrisShape().shape\_empty: super(TetrisGame, self).keyPressEvent(event) return key = event.key() # P键暂停 if key == Qt.Key\_P: self.pause() return if self.is\_paused: return # 向左 elif key == Qt.Key\_Left: self.inner\_board.moveLeft() # 向右 elif key == Qt.Key\_Right: self.inner\_board.moveRight() # 旋转 elif key == Qt.Key\_Up: self.inner\_board.rotateAnticlockwise() # 快速坠落 elif key == Qt.Key\_Space: self.external\_board.score += self.inner\_board.dropDown() else: super(TetrisGame, self).keyPressEvent(event) self.updateWindow() '''run''' if \_\_name\_\_ == '\_\_main\_\_': app = QApplication(\[\]) tetris = TetrisGame() sys.exit(app.exec\_())
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import cfg import sys import pygame from modules import \* '''主函数''' def main(cfg): # 游戏初始化 pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set\_mode(cfg.SCREENSIZE) pygame.display.set\_caption('Greedy Snake —— 九歌') clock = pygame.time.Clock() # 播放背景音乐 pygame.mixer.music.load(cfg.BGMPATH) pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) # 游戏主循环 snake = Snake(cfg) apple = Apple(cfg, snake.coords) score = 0 while True: screen.fill(cfg.BLACK) # --按键检测 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key in \[pygame.K\_UP, pygame.K\_DOWN, pygame.K\_LEFT, pygame.K\_RIGHT\]: snake.setDirection({pygame.K\_UP: 'up', pygame.K\_DOWN: 'down', pygame.K\_LEFT: 'left', pygame.K\_RIGHT: 'right'}\[event.key\]) # --更新贪吃蛇和食物 if snake.update(apple): apple = Apple(cfg, snake.coords) score += 1 # --判断游戏是否结束 if snake.isgameover: break # --显示游戏里必要的元素 drawGameGrid(cfg, screen) snake.draw(screen) apple.draw(screen) showScore(cfg, score, screen) # --屏幕更新 pygame.display.update() clock.tick(cfg.FPS) return endInterface(screen, cfg) '''run''' if \_\_name\_\_ == '\_\_main\_\_': while True: if not main(cfg): break
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import os import sys import pygame from cfg import \* from modules import \* from fractions import Fraction '''检查控件是否被点击''' def checkClicked(group, mouse\_pos, group\_type='NUMBER'): selected = \[\] # 数字卡片/运算符卡片 if group\_type == GROUPTYPES\[0\] or group\_type == GROUPTYPES\[1\]: max\_selected = 2 if group\_type == GROUPTYPES\[0\] else 1 num\_selected = 0 for each in group: num\_selected += int(each.is\_selected) for each in group: if each.rect.collidepoint(mouse\_pos): if each.is\_selected: each.is\_selected = not each.is\_selected num\_selected -= 1 each.select\_order = None else: if num\_selected < max\_selected: each.is\_selected = not each.is\_selected num\_selected += 1 each.select\_order = str(num\_selected) if each.is\_selected: selected.append(each.attribute) # 按钮卡片 elif group\_type == GROUPTYPES\[2\]: for each in group: if each.rect.collidepoint(mouse\_pos): each.is\_selected = True selected.append(each.attribute) # 抛出异常 else: raise ValueError('checkClicked.group\_type unsupport %s, expect %s, %s or %s...' % (group\_type, \*GROUPTYPES)) return selected '''获取数字精灵组''' def getNumberSpritesGroup(numbers): number\_sprites\_group = pygame.sprite.Group() for idx, number in enumerate(numbers): args = (\*NUMBERCARD\_POSITIONS\[idx\], str(number), NUMBERFONT, NUMBERFONT\_COLORS, NUMBERCARD\_COLORS, str(number)) number\_sprites\_group.add(Card(\*args)) return number\_sprites\_group '''获取运算符精灵组''' def getOperatorSpritesGroup(operators): operator\_sprites\_group = pygame.sprite.Group() for idx, operator in enumerate(operators): args = (\*OPERATORCARD\_POSITIONS\[idx\], str(operator), OPERATORFONT, OPREATORFONT\_COLORS, OPERATORCARD\_COLORS, str(operator)) operator\_sprites\_group.add(Card(\*args)) return operator\_sprites\_group '''获取按钮精灵组''' def getButtonSpritesGroup(buttons): button\_sprites\_group = pygame.sprite.Group() for idx, button in enumerate(buttons): args = (\*BUTTONCARD\_POSITIONS\[idx\], str(button), BUTTONFONT, BUTTONFONT\_COLORS, BUTTONCARD\_COLORS, str(button)) button\_sprites\_group.add(Button(\*args)) return button\_sprites\_group '''计算''' def calculate(number1, number2, operator): operator\_map = {'+': '+', '-': '-', '×': '\*', '÷': '/'} try: result = str(eval(number1+operator\_map\[operator\]+number2)) return result if '.' not in result else str(Fraction(number1+operator\_map\[operator\]+number2)) except: return None '''在屏幕上显示信息''' def showInfo(text, screen): rect = pygame.Rect(200, 180, 400, 200) pygame.draw.rect(screen, PAPAYAWHIP, rect) font = pygame.font.Font(FONTPATH, 40) text\_render = font.render(text, True, BLACK) font\_size = font.size(text) screen.blit(text\_render, (rect.x+(rect.width-font\_size\[0\])/2, rect.y+(rect.height-font\_size\[1\])/2)) '''主函数''' def main(): # 初始化, 导入必要的游戏素材 pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() screen = pygame.display.set\_mode(SCREENSIZE) pygame.display.set\_caption('24 point —— 九歌') win\_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(AUDIOWINPATH) lose\_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(AUDIOLOSEPATH) warn\_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(AUDIOWARNPATH) pygame.mixer.music.load(BGMPATH) pygame.mixer.music.play(-1, 0.0) # 24点游戏生成器 game24\_gen = game24Generator() game24\_gen.generate() # 精灵组 # --数字 number\_sprites\_group = getNumberSpritesGroup(game24\_gen.numbers\_now) # --运算符 operator\_sprites\_group = getOperatorSpritesGroup(OPREATORS) # --按钮 button\_sprites\_group = getButtonSpritesGroup(BUTTONS) # 游戏主循环 clock = pygame.time.Clock() selected\_numbers = \[\] selected\_operators = \[\] selected\_buttons = \[\] is\_win = False while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit(-1) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: mouse\_pos = pygame.mouse.get\_pos() selected\_numbers = checkClicked(number\_sprites\_group, mouse\_pos, 'NUMBER') selected\_operators = checkClicked(operator\_sprites\_group, mouse\_pos, 'OPREATOR') selected\_buttons = checkClicked(button\_sprites\_group, mouse\_pos, 'BUTTON') screen.fill(AZURE) # 更新数字 if len(selected\_numbers) == 2 and len(selected\_operators) == 1: noselected\_numbers = \[\] for each in number\_sprites\_group: if each.is\_selected: if each.select\_order == '1': selected\_number1 = each.attribute elif each.select\_order == '2': selected\_number2 = each.attribute else: raise ValueError('Unknow select\_order %s, expect 1 or 2...' % each.select\_order) else: noselected\_numbers.append(each.attribute) each.is\_selected = False for each in operator\_sprites\_group: each.is\_selected = False result = calculate(selected\_number1, selected\_number2, \*selected\_operators) if result is not None: game24\_gen.numbers\_now = noselected\_numbers + \[result\] is\_win = game24\_gen.check() if is\_win: win\_sound.play() if not is\_win and len(game24\_gen.numbers\_now) == 1: lose\_sound.play() else: warn\_sound.play() selected\_numbers = \[\] selected\_operators = \[\] number\_sprites\_group = getNumberSpritesGroup(game24\_gen.numbers\_now) # 精灵都画到screen上 for each in number\_sprites\_group: each.draw(screen, pygame.mouse.get\_pos()) for each in operator\_sprites\_group: each.draw(screen, pygame.mouse.get\_pos()) for each in button\_sprites\_group: if selected\_buttons and selected\_buttons\[0\] in \['RESET', 'NEXT'\]: is\_win = False if selected\_buttons and each.attribute == selected\_buttons\[0\]: each.is\_selected = False number\_sprites\_group = each.do(game24\_gen, getNumberSpritesGroup, number\_sprites\_group, button\_sprites\_group) selected\_buttons = \[\] each.draw(screen, pygame.mouse.get\_pos()) # 游戏胜利 if is\_win: showInfo('Congratulations', screen) # 游戏失败 if not is\_win and len(game24\_gen.numbers\_now) == 1: showInfo('Game Over', screen) pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(30) '''run''' if \_\_name\_\_ == '\_\_main\_\_': main()
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import cfg from modules import breakoutClone '''主函数''' def main(): game = breakoutClone(cfg) game.run() '''run''' if \_\_name\_\_ == '\_\_main\_\_': main()
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import os import sys import cfg import random import pygame from modules import \* '''开始游戏''' def startGame(screen): clock = pygame.time.Clock() # 加载字体 font = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 18) if not os.path.isfile('score'): f = open('score', 'w') f.write('0') f.close() with open('score', 'r') as f: highest\_score = int(f.read().strip()) # 敌方 enemies\_group = pygame.sprite.Group() for i in range(55): if i < 11: enemy = enemySprite('small', i, cfg.WHITE, cfg.WHITE) elif i < 33: enemy = enemySprite('medium', i, cfg.WHITE, cfg.WHITE) else: enemy = enemySprite('large', i, cfg.WHITE, cfg.WHITE) enemy.rect.x = 85 + (i % 11) \* 50 enemy.rect.y = 120 + (i // 11) \* 45 enemies\_group.add(enemy) boomed\_enemies\_group = pygame.sprite.Group() en\_bullets\_group = pygame.sprite.Group() ufo = ufoSprite(color=cfg.RED) # 我方 myaircraft = aircraftSprite(color=cfg.GREEN, bullet\_color=cfg.WHITE) my\_bullets\_group = pygame.sprite.Group() # 用于控制敌方位置更新 # --移动一行 enemy\_move\_count = 24 enemy\_move\_interval = 24 enemy\_move\_flag = False # --改变移动方向(改变方向的同时集体下降一次) enemy\_change\_direction\_count = 0 enemy\_change\_direction\_interval = 60 enemy\_need\_down = False enemy\_move\_right = True enemy\_need\_move\_row = 6 enemy\_max\_row = 5 # 用于控制敌方发射子弹 enemy\_shot\_interval = 100 enemy\_shot\_count = 0 enemy\_shot\_flag = False # 游戏进行中 running = True is\_win = False # 主循环 while running: screen.fill(cfg.BLACK) for event in pygame.event.get(): # --点右上角的X或者按Esc键退出游戏 if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K\_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() sys.exit() # --射击 if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: my\_bullet = myaircraft.shot() if my\_bullet: my\_bullets\_group.add(my\_bullet) # --我方子弹与敌方/UFO碰撞检测 for enemy in enemies\_group: if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(enemy, my\_bullets\_group, True, None): boomed\_enemies\_group.add(enemy) enemies\_group.remove(enemy) myaircraft.score += enemy.reward if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(ufo, my\_bullets\_group, True, None): ufo.is\_dead = True myaircraft.score += ufo.reward # --更新并画敌方 # ----敌方子弹 enemy\_shot\_count += 1 if enemy\_shot\_count > enemy\_shot\_interval: enemy\_shot\_flag = True enemies\_survive\_list = \[enemy.number for enemy in enemies\_group\] shot\_number = random.choice(enemies\_survive\_list) enemy\_shot\_count = 0 # ----敌方移动 enemy\_move\_count += 1 if enemy\_move\_count > enemy\_move\_interval: enemy\_move\_count = 0 enemy\_move\_flag = True enemy\_need\_move\_row -= 1 if enemy\_need\_move\_row == 0: enemy\_need\_move\_row = enemy\_max\_row enemy\_change\_direction\_count += 1 if enemy\_change\_direction\_count > enemy\_change\_direction\_interval: enemy\_change\_direction\_count = 1 enemy\_move\_right = not enemy\_move\_right enemy\_need\_down = True # ----每次下降提高移动和射击速度 enemy\_move\_interval = max(15, enemy\_move\_interval-3) enemy\_shot\_interval = max(50, enemy\_move\_interval-10) # ----遍历更新 for enemy in enemies\_group: if enemy\_shot\_flag: if enemy.number == shot\_number: en\_bullet = enemy.shot() en\_bullets\_group.add(en\_bullet) if enemy\_move\_flag: if enemy.number in range((enemy\_need\_move\_row-1)\*11, enemy\_need\_move\_row\*11): if enemy\_move\_right: enemy.update('right', cfg.SCREENSIZE\[1\]) else: enemy.update('left', cfg.SCREENSIZE\[1\]) else: enemy.update(None, cfg.SCREENSIZE\[1\]) if enemy\_need\_down: if enemy.update('down', cfg.SCREENSIZE\[1\]): running = False is\_win = False enemy.change\_count -= 1 enemy.draw(screen) enemy\_move\_flag = False enemy\_need\_down = False enemy\_shot\_flag = False # ----敌方爆炸特效 for boomed\_enemy in boomed\_enemies\_group: if boomed\_enemy.boom(screen): boomed\_enemies\_group.remove(boomed\_enemy) del boomed\_enemy # --敌方子弹与我方飞船碰撞检测 if not myaircraft.one\_dead: if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myaircraft, en\_bullets\_group, True, None): myaircraft.one\_dead = True if myaircraft.one\_dead: if myaircraft.boom(screen): myaircraft.resetBoom() myaircraft.num\_life -= 1 if myaircraft.num\_life < 1: running = False is\_win = False else: # ----更新飞船 myaircraft.update(cfg.SCREENSIZE\[0\]) # ----画飞船 myaircraft.draw(screen) if (not ufo.has\_boomed) and (ufo.is\_dead): if ufo.boom(screen): ufo.has\_boomed = True else: # ----更新UFO ufo.update(cfg.SCREENSIZE\[0\]) # ----画UFO ufo.draw(screen) # --画我方飞船子弹 for bullet in my\_bullets\_group: if bullet.update(): my\_bullets\_group.remove(bullet) del bullet else: bullet.draw(screen) # --画敌方子弹 for bullet in en\_bullets\_group: if bullet.update(cfg.SCREENSIZE\[1\]): en\_bullets\_group.remove(bullet) del bullet else: bullet.draw(screen) if myaircraft.score > highest\_score: highest\_score = myaircraft.score # --得分每增加2000我方飞船增加一条生命 if (myaircraft.score % 2000 == 0) and (myaircraft.score > 0) and (myaircraft.score != myaircraft.old\_score): myaircraft.old\_score = myaircraft.score myaircraft.num\_life = min(myaircraft.num\_life + 1, myaircraft.max\_num\_life) # --敌人都死光了的话就胜利了 if len(enemies\_group) < 1: is\_win = True running = False # --显示文字 # ----当前得分 showText(screen, 'SCORE: ', cfg.WHITE, font, 200, 8) showText(screen, str(myaircraft.score), cfg.WHITE, font, 200, 24) # ----敌人数量 showText(screen, 'ENEMY: ', cfg.WHITE, font, 370, 8) showText(screen, str(len(enemies\_group)), cfg.WHITE, font, 370, 24) # ----历史最高分 showText(screen, 'HIGHEST: ', cfg.WHITE, font, 540, 8) showText(screen, str(highest\_score), cfg.WHITE, font, 540, 24) # ----FPS showText(screen, 'FPS: ' + str(int(clock.get\_fps())), cfg.RED, font, 8, 8) # --显示剩余生命值 showLife(screen, myaircraft.num\_life, cfg.GREEN) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(cfg.FPS) with open('score', 'w') as f: f.write(str(highest\_score)) return is\_win '''主函数''' def main(): # 初始化 pygame.init() pygame.display.set\_caption('外星人入侵 —— 九歌') screen = pygame.display.set\_mode(cfg.SCREENSIZE) pygame.mixer.init() pygame.mixer.music.load(cfg.BGMPATH) pygame.mixer.music.set\_volume(0.4) pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) while True: is\_win = startGame(screen) endInterface(screen, cfg.BLACK, is\_win) '''run''' if \_\_name\_\_ == '\_\_main\_\_': main()
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from tkinter import \* import tkinter.messagebox as msg root = Tk() root.title('TIC-TAC-TOE---Project Gurukul') # labels Label(root, text="player1 : X", font="times 15").grid(row=0, column=1) Label(root, text="player2 : O", font="times 15").grid(row=0, column=2) digits = \[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9\] # for player1 sign = X and for player2 sign= Y mark = '' # counting the no. of click count = 0 panels = \["panel"\] \* 10 def win(panels, sign): return ((panels\[1\] == panels\[2\] == panels\[3\] == sign) or (panels\[1\] == panels\[4\] == panels\[7\] == sign) or (panels\[1\] == panels\[5\] == panels\[9\] == sign) or (panels\[2\] == panels\[5\] == panels\[8\] == sign) or (panels\[3\] == panels\[6\] == panels\[9\] == sign) or (panels\[3\] == panels\[5\] == panels\[7\] == sign) or (panels\[4\] == panels\[5\] == panels\[6\] == sign) or (panels\[7\] == panels\[8\] == panels\[9\] == sign)) def checker(digit): global count, mark, digits # Check which button clicked if digit == 1 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) ##player1 will play if the value of count is even and for odd player2 will play if count % 2 == 0: mark = 'X' panels\[digit\] = mark elif count % 2 != 0: mark = 'O' panels\[digit\] = mark button1.config(text=mark) count = count + 1 sign = mark if (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'X'): msg.showinfo("Result", "Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'O'): msg.showinfo("Result", "Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit == 2 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count % 2 == 0: mark = 'X' panels\[digit\] = mark elif count % 2 != 0: mark = 'O' panels\[digit\] = mark button2.config(text=mark) count = count + 1 sign = mark if (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'X'): msg.showinfo("Result", "Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'O'): msg.showinfo("Result", "Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit == 3 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count % 2 == 0: mark = 'X' panels\[digit\] = mark elif count % 2 != 0: mark = 'O' panels\[digit\] = mark button3.config(text=mark) count = count + 1 sign = mark if (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'X'): msg.showinfo("Result", "Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'O'): msg.showinfo("Result", "Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit == 4 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count % 2 == 0: mark = 'X' panels\[digit\] = mark elif count % 2 != 0: mark = 'O' panels\[digit\] = mark button4.config(text=mark) count = count + 1 sign = mark if (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'X'): msg.showinfo("Result", "Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'O'): msg.showinfo("Result", "Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit == 5 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count % 2 == 0: mark = 'X' panels\[digit\] = mark elif count % 2 != 0: mark = 'O' panels\[digit\] = mark button5.config(text=mark) count = count + 1 sign = mark if (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'X'): msg.showinfo("Result", "Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'O'): msg.showinfo("Result", "Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit == 6 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count % 2 == 0: mark = 'X' panels\[digit\] = mark elif count % 2 != 0: mark = 'O' panels\[digit\] = mark button6.config(text=mark) count = count + 1 sign = mark if (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'X'): msg.showinfo("Result", "Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'O'): msg.showinfo("Result", "Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit == 7 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count % 2 == 0: mark = 'X' panels\[digit\] = mark elif count % 2 != 0: mark = 'O' panels\[digit\] = mark button7.config(text=mark) count = count + 1 sign = mark if (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'X'): msg.showinfo("Result", "Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'O'): msg.showinfo("Result", "Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit == 8 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count % 2 == 0: mark = 'X' panels\[digit\] = mark elif count % 2 != 0: mark = 'O' panels\[digit\] = mark button8.config(text=mark) count = count + 1 sign = mark if (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'X'): msg.showinfo("Result", "Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'O'): msg.showinfo("Result", "Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit == 9 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count % 2 == 0: mark = 'X' panels\[digit\] = mark elif count % 2 != 0: mark = 'O' panels\[digit\] = mark button9.config(text=mark) count = count + 1 sign = mark if (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'X'): msg.showinfo("Result", "Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif (win(panels, sign) and sign == 'O'): msg.showinfo("Result", "Player2 wins") root.destroy() ###if count is greater then 8 then the match has been tied if (count > 8 and win(panels, 'X') == False and win(panels, 'O') == False): msg.showinfo("Result", "Match Tied") root.destroy() ####define buttons button1 = Button(root, width=15, font=('Times 16 bold'), height=7, command=lambda: checker(1)) button1.grid(row=1, column=1) button2 = Button(root, width=15, height=7, font=('Times 16 bold'), command=lambda: checker(2)) button2.grid(row=1, column=2) button3 = Button(root, width=15, height=7, font=('Times 16 bold'), command=lambda: checker(3)) button3.grid(row=1, column=3) button4 = Button(root, width=15, height=7, font=('Times 16 bold'), command=lambda: checker(4)) button4.grid(row=2, column=1) button5 = Button(root, width=15, height=7, font=('Times 16 bold'), command=lambda: checker(5)) button5.grid(row=2, column=2) button6 = Button(root, width=15, height=7, font=('Times 16 bold'), command=lambda: checker(6)) button6.grid(row=2, column=3) button7 = Button(root, width=15, height=7, font=('Times 16 bold'), command=lambda: checker(7)) button7.grid(row=3, column=1) button8 = Button(root, width=15, height=7, font=('Times 16 bold'), command=lambda: checker(8)) button8.grid(row=3, column=2) button9 = Button(root, width=15, height=7, font=('Times 16 bold'), command=lambda: checker(9)) button9.grid(row=3, column=3) root.mainloop()
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学好 Python 不论是就业还是做副业赚钱都不错,但要学会 Python 还是要有一个学习规划。最后大家分享一份全套的 Python 学习资料,给那些想学习 Python 的小伙伴们一点帮助!
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