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predict模式用于在新图像或视频上使用经过训练的YOLOv8模型进行预测,在此模式下,模型从checkpoint 文件加载,用户可以提供图像或视频来执行推理。模型预测输入图像或视频中对象的类别和位置。

from ultralytics import YOLO from PIL import Image import cv2 model = YOLO("model.pt") # 接受所有格式-image/dir/Path/URL/video/PIL/ndarray。0用于网络摄像头 results = model.predict(source="0") results = model.predict(source="folder", show=True) # 展示预测结果 # from PIL im1 = Image.open("bus.jpg") results = model.predict(source=im1, save=True) # 保存绘制的图像 # from ndarray im2 = cv2.imread("bus.jpg") results = model.predict(source=im2, save=True, save_txt=True) # 将预测保存为标签 # from list of PIL/ndarray results = model.predict(source=[im1, im2])
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inputs = [img, img] # list of numpy arrays results = model(inputs, stream=True) # generator of Results objects for result in results: boxes = result.boxes # Boxes object for bbox outputs masks = result.masks # Masks object for segmentation masks outputs probs = result.probs # Class probabilities for classification outputs
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source'ultralytics/assets'source directory for images or videos
conf0.25object confidence threshold for detection
iou0.7intersection over union (IoU) threshold for NMS
halfFalseuse half precision (FP16)
deviceNonedevice to run on, i.e. cuda device=0/1/2/3 or device=cpu
showFalseshow results if possible
saveFalsesave images with results
save_txtFalsesave results as .txt file
save_confFalsesave results with confidence scores
save_cropFalsesave cropped images with results
hide_labelsFalsehide labels
hide_confFalsehide confidence scores
max_det300maximum number of detections per image
vid_strideFalsevideo frame-rate stride
line_thickness3bounding box thickness (pixels)
visualizeFalsevisualize model features
augmentFalseapply image augmentation to prediction sources
agnostic_nmsFalseclass-agnostic NMS
retina_masksFalseuse high-resolution segmentation masks
classesNonefilter results by class, i.e. class=0, or class=[0,2,3]
boxesTrueShow boxes in segmentation predictions


image'im.jpg'str, Path
PILImage.open('im.jpg')PIL.ImageHWC, RGB
OpenCVcv2.imread('im.jpg')[:,:,::-1]np.ndarrayHWC, BGR to RGB
torchtorch.zeros(16,3,320,640)torch.TensorBCHW, RGB
CSV'sources.csv'str, PathRTSP, RTMP, HTTP
video ✅'vid.mp4'str, Path
directory ✅'path/'str, Path
glob ✅'path/*.jpg'strUse * operator
YouTube ✅'https://youtu.be/Zgi9g1ksQHc'str
stream ✅'rtsp://example.com/media.mp4'strRTSP, RTMP, HTTP


Image SuffixesExample Predict CommandReference
.bmpyolo predict source=image.bmpMicrosoft BMP File Format
.dngyolo predict source=image.dngAdobe DNG
.jpegyolo predict source=image.jpegJPEG
.jpgyolo predict source=image.jpgJPEG
.mpoyolo predict source=image.mpoMulti Picture Object
.pngyolo predict source=image.pngPortable Network Graphics
.tifyolo predict source=image.tifTag Image File Format
.tiffyolo predict source=image.tiffTag Image File Format
.webpyolo predict source=image.webpWebP
.pfmyolo predict source=image.pfmPortable FloatMap


Video SuffixesExample Predict CommandReference
.asfyolo predict source=video.asfAdvanced Systems Format
.aviyolo predict source=video.aviAudio Video Interleave
.gifyolo predict source=video.gifGraphics Interchange Format
.m4vyolo predict source=video.m4vMPEG-4 Part 14
.mkvyolo predict source=video.mkvMatroska
.movyolo predict source=video.movQuickTime File Format
.mp4yolo predict source=video.mp4MPEG-4 Part 14 - Wikipedia
.mpegyolo predict source=video.mpegMPEG-1 Part 2
.mpgyolo predict source=video.mpgMPEG-1 Part 2
.tsyolo predict source=video.tsMPEG Transport Stream
.wmvyolo predict source=video.wmvWindows Media Video
.webmyolo predict source=video.webmWebM Project


Results.boxes: — 具有用于操作边界框的属性和方法的boxes

Results.masks: — 用于索引掩码或获取段坐标的掩码对象

Results.probs: — 包含类概率或logits

Results.orig_img: — 载入内存的原始图像

Results.path: — 包含输入图像路径的路径

默认情况下,每个结果都由一个torch. Tensor组成,它允许轻松操作:

results = results.cuda() results = results.cpu() results = results.to('cpu') results = results.numpy()
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from ultralytics import YOLO import cv2 from ultralytics.yolo.utils.benchmarks import benchmark model = YOLO("yolov8-seg.yaml").load('yolov8n-seg.pt') results = model.predict(r'E:\CS\DL\yolo\yolov8study\bus.jpg') boxes = results[0].boxes masks = results[0].masks probs = results[0].probs print(f"boxes:{boxes[0]}") print(f"masks:{masks.xy }") print(f"probs:{probs}")
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image 1/1 E:\CS\DL\yolo\yolov8study\bus.jpg: 640x480 4 0s, 1 5, 1 36, 25.9ms Speed: 4.0ms preprocess, 25.9ms inference, 10.0ms postprocess per image at shape (1, 3, 640, 640) WARNING 'Boxes.boxes' is deprecated. Use 'Boxes.data' instead. boxes:ultralytics.yolo.engine.results.Boxes object with attributes: boxes: tensor([[670.1221, 389.6674, 809.4929, 876.5032, 0.8875, 0.0000]], device='cuda:0') cls: tensor([0.], device='cuda:0') conf: tensor([0.8875], device='cuda:0') data: tensor([[670.1221, 389.6674, 809.4929, 876.5032, 0.8875, 0.0000]], device='cuda:0') id: None is_track: False orig_shape: tensor([1080, 810], device='cuda:0') shape: torch.Size([1, 6]) xywh: tensor([[739.8075, 633.0853, 139.3708, 486.8358]], device='cuda:0') xywhn: tensor([[0.9133, 0.5862, 0.1721, 0.4508]], device='cuda:0') xyxy: tensor([[670.1221, 389.6674, 809.4929, 876.5032]], device='cuda:0') xyxyn: tensor([[0.8273, 0.3608, 0.9994, 0.8116]], device='cuda:0') masks:[array([[ 804.94, 391.5], [ 794.81, 401.62], [ 794.81, 403.31], [ 791.44, 406.69], ...... probs:None
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annotated_frame = results[0].plot() # Display the annotated frame cv2.imshow("YOLOv8 Inference", annotated_frame) cv2.waitKey() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
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import cv2 from ultralytics import YOLO # Load the YOLOv8 model model = model = YOLO("yolov8-seg.yaml").load('yolov8n-seg.pt') # Open the video file video_path = "sample.mp4" cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) # Loop through the video frames while cap.isOpened(): # Read a frame from the video success, frame = cap.read() if success: # Run YOLOv8 inference on the frame results = model(frame) # Visualize the results on the frame annotated_frame = results[0].plot() # Display the annotated frame cv2.imshow("YOLOv8 Inference", annotated_frame) # Break the loop if 'q' is pressed if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord("q"): break else: # Break the loop if the end of the video is reached break # Release the video capture object and close the display window cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
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