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   人工势场法是由Khatib于1985年在论文《Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance for Manipulators and Mobile Robots》中提出的一种虚拟力法。它的基本思想是将机器人在周围环境中的运动,设计成一种抽象的人造引力场中的运动,目标点对移动机器人产生“引力”,障碍物对移动机器人产生“斥力”,最后通过求合力来控制移动机器人的运动。应用势场法规划出来的路径一般是比较平滑并且安全,但是这种方法存在局部最优点问题。






   U a t t ( q ) = 1 2 η ρ 2 ( q , q g ) U_{att}\left(q\right)=\dfrac{1}{2}\eta\rho^2\left(q,q_g\right) Uatt(q)=21ηρ2(q,qg)


   相应的引力 F a t t ( X ) F_{att}\left(X\right) Fatt(X)为引力场的负梯度:

   F a t t ( X ) = − ∇ U a t t ( X ) = η ρ ( q , q g ) F_{att}\left(X\right)=-\nabla U_{att}\left(X\right)=\eta\rho\left(q,q_{g}\right) Fatt(X)=Uatt(X)=ηρ(q,qg)


   U r e 1 ( X ) = { 1 2 k ( 1 ρ ( q , q o ) − 1 ρ o ) 2 0 ≤ ρ ( q , q o ) ≤ ρ o 0 ρ ( q , q o ) ≥ ρ o U_{r e_1}(X)=\begin{cases}\dfrac{1}{2}k(\dfrac{1}{\rho(q,q_o)}-\dfrac{1}{\rho_o})^2&0\leq\rho(q,q_o)\leq\rho_o\\ 0&\rho(q,q_o)\geq\rho_o\end{cases} Ure1(X)= 21k(ρ(q,qo)1ρo1)200ρ(q,qo)ρoρ(q,qo)ρo


   F n 0 ( X ) = { k ( 1 ρ ( q , q 0 ) − 1 ρ 0 ) 1 ρ 2 ( q , q 0 ) ∇ ρ ( q , q 0 ) 0 ≤ ρ ( q , q 0 ) ≤ ρ 0 0 ρ ( q , q 0 ) ≥ ρ 0 F_{n_0}(X)=\begin{cases}k(\dfrac{1}{\rho(q,q_0)}-\dfrac{1}{\rho_0})\dfrac{1}{\rho^2(q,q_0)}\nabla\rho(q,q_0)&0\leq\rho(q,q_0)\leq\rho_0\\ 0&\rho(q,q_0)\geq\rho_0\end{cases} Fn0(X)= k(ρ(q,q0)1ρ01)ρ2(q,q0)1ρ(q,q0)00ρ(q,q0)ρ0ρ(q,q0)ρ0

   其中 ∇ ρ ( q , q 0 ) \begin{aligned}\nabla\rho(q,q_0)\end{aligned} ρ(q,q0)表示从 q 0 q_0 q0指向q的单位向量

   ∇ ρ ( q , q 0 ) = q − q 0 ∥ q − q 0 ∥ \nabla\rho(q,q_0)=\dfrac{q-q_0}{\|q-q_0\|} ρ(q,q0)=qq0qq0


   设机器人位置为(x, y),障碍物位置为(xg, yg),则引力势场函数可由下式

   U a t t ( q ) = 1 2 η ρ 2 ( q , q g ) U_{att}\big(q\big)=\dfrac{1}{2}\eta\rho^2\big(q,q_g\big) Uatt(q)=21ηρ2(q,qg)


   U a t t ( x , y ) = 1 2 η [ ( x − x g ) 2 + ( y − y g ) 2 ] U_{a t t}\big(x,y\big)=\frac{1}{2}\eta\biggl[\bigl(x-x_{g}\bigr)^{2}+\bigl(y-y_{g}\bigr)^{2}\biggr] Uatt(x,y)=21η[(xxg)2+(yyg)2]

   所以根据梯度下降法。在这种情况下,势场U的负梯度可被认为是位形空间中作用在机器人上的一个广义力, F = − ∇ F=-\nabla F=

   − g r a d U a t t ( x , y ) = − ∇ U a t t ( x , y ) = − U a t t , x ′ ( x , y ) i → − U a t t , y ′ ( x , y ) j → -gradU_{att}\left(x,y\right)=-\nabla U_{att}\left(x,y\right)=-U_{att,x}^{'}\big(x,y\big)\overset{\rightarrow}{i}-U_{att,y}^{'}\big(x,y\big)\overset{\rightarrow}{j} gradUatt(x,y)=Uatt(x,y)=Uatt,x(x,y)iUatt,y(x,y)j

   = − η ( x − x g ) i → − η ( y − y g ) j → = η [ ( x g − x ) i → + ( y g − y ) j → ] =-\eta\bigl(x-x_g\bigr)\overrightarrow i-\eta\bigl(y-y_g\bigr)\overrightarrow j=\eta\bigg[\big(x_g-x\big)\overrightarrow{i}+\big(y_g-y\big)\overrightarrow{j}\bigg] =η(xxg)i η(yyg)j =η[(xgx)i +(ygy)j ]

   = η ( x − x g ) 2 + ( y g − y ) 2 = η ρ ( q , q g ) =\eta\sqrt{\left(x-x_g\right)^2+\left(y_g-y\right)^2}=\eta\rho\Big(q,q_g\Big) =η(xxg)2+(ygy)2 =ηρ(q,qg)


   U n q ( q ) = 1 2 k ( 1 ρ ( q , q 0 ) − 1 ρ 0 ) 2   U_{nq}(q)=\dfrac{1}{2}k\bigg(\dfrac{1}{\rho\left(q,q_0\right)}-\dfrac{1}{\rho_0}\bigg)^2\ Unq(q)=21k(ρ(q,q0)1ρ01)2 


   U n q q ( x , y ) = 1 2 k [ 1 ( x − x 0 ) 2 + ( y − y 0 ) 2 − 1 ρ 0 ] 2 U_{nqq}\left(x,y\right)=\dfrac{1}{2}k\bigg[\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{\left(x-x_0\right)^2+\left(y-y_0\right)^2}}-\dfrac{1}{\rho_0}\bigg]^2 Unqq(x,y)=21k[(xx0)2+(yy0)2 1ρ01]2


   − ∇ U m q ( x , y ) = − U a t t , x ( x , y ) i → − U a t t , y ( x , y ) j → -\nabla U_{mq}\bigl(x,y\bigr)=-U_{att,x}\bigl(x,y\bigr)\overrightarrow{i}-U_{att,y}\bigl(x,y\bigr)\overrightarrow{j} Umq(x,y)=Uatt,x(x,y)i Uatt,y(x,y)j


   − U a t t , x ′ ( x , y ) i ⃗ = − k [ 1 ( x − x 0 ) 2 + ( y − y 0 ) 2 − 1 ρ 0 ] [ 1 ( x − x 0 ) 2 + ( y − y 0 ) 2 − 1 ρ 0 ] ′ i ⃗ -U_{att,x}^{'}\left(x,y\right)\vec{i}=-k\left[\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{\left(x-x_0\right)^2+\left(y-y_0\right)^2}}-\dfrac{1}{\rho_0}\right]\left[\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{\left(x-x_0\right)^2+\left(y-y_0\right)^2}}-\dfrac{1}{\rho_0}\right]^{'}\vec{i} Uatt,x(x,y)i =k (xx0)2+(yy0)2 1ρ01 (xx0)2+(yy0)2 1ρ01 i
   = − k [ 1 ( x − x 0 ) 2 + ( y − y 0 ) 2 − 1 ρ 0 ] { − 1 2 [ ( x − x 0 ) 2 + ( y − y 0 ) 2 ] − 3 2 [ ( x − x 0 ) 2 + ( y − y 0 ) 2 ] ′ } i ⃗ =-k\bigg[\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{\left(x-x_0\right)^2+\left(y-y_0\right)^2}}-\dfrac{1}{\rho_0}\bigg]\bigg\{-\dfrac{1}{2}\bigg[\left(x-x_0\right)^2+\left(y-y_0\right)^2\bigg]^{-\dfrac{3}{2}}\bigg[\left(x-x_0\right)^2+\left(y-y_0\right)^2\bigg]^{'}\bigg\}\vec{i} =k[(xx0)2+(yy0)2 1ρ01]{21[(xx0)2+(yy0)2]23[(xx0)2+(yy0)2]}i
   = k [ 1 ( x − x 0 ) 2 + ( y − y 0 ) 2 − 1 ρ 0 ] { 1 ( x − x 0 ) 2 + ( y − y 0 ) 2 [ ( x − x 0 ) 2 + ( y − y 0 ) 2 ] − 1 2 ( x − x 0 ) } i ⃗ =k\bigg[\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{\left(x-x_0\right)^2+\left(y-y_0\right)^2}}-\dfrac{1}{\rho_0}\bigg]\bigg\{\dfrac{1}{\left(x-x_0\right)^2+\left(y-y_0\right)^2}\bigg[\left(x-x_0\right)^2+\left(y-y_0\right)^2\bigg]^{-\frac{1}{2}}\left(x-x_0\right)\bigg\}\vec{i} =k[(xx0)2+(yy0)2 1ρ01]{(xx0)2+(yy0)21[(xx0)2+(yy0)2]21(xx0)}i
   = k ( 1 ρ ( q , q 0 ) − 1 ρ 0 ) ⋅ 1 ρ 2 ( q , q 0 ) ⋅ 1 ρ ( q , q 0 ) ⋅ ( x − x 0 ) i → =k\bigg(\dfrac{1}{\rho\big(q,q_0\big)}-\dfrac{1}{\rho_0}\bigg)\cdot\dfrac{1}{\rho^2\big(q,q_0\big)}\cdot\dfrac{1}{\rho\big(q,q_0\big)}\cdot\big(x-x_0\big)\stackrel{\rightarrow}{i} =k(ρ(q,q0)1ρ01)ρ2(q,q0)1ρ(q,q0)1(xx0)i


   − U a t t , y ′ ( x , y ) j ⃗ = k ( 1 ρ ( q , q 0 ) − 1 ρ 0 ) ⋅ 1 ρ 2 ( q , q 0 ) ⋅ 1 ρ ( q , q 0 ) ⋅ ( y − y 0 ) i → -U_{att,y}^{'}\left(x,y\right)\vec{j}=k\bigg(\dfrac{1}{\rho\big(q,q_0\big)}-\dfrac{1}{\rho_0}\bigg)\cdot\dfrac{1}{\rho^2\big(q,q_0\big)}\cdot\dfrac{1}{\rho\big(q,q_0\big)}\cdot\big(y-y_0\big)\stackrel{\rightarrow}{i} Uatt,y(x,y)j =k(ρ(q,q0)1ρ01)ρ2(q,q0)1ρ(q,q0)1(yy0)i


   − ∇ U q q ( x , y ) = k ( 1 ρ ( q , q 0 ) − 1 ρ 0 ) ⋅ 1 ρ 2 ( q , q 0 ) ⋅ ∇ ρ ( q , q 0 ) -\nabla U_{qq}\big(x,y\big)=k\bigg(\dfrac{1}{\rho\big(q,q_0\big)}-\dfrac{1}{\rho_0}\bigg)\cdot\dfrac{1}{\rho^2\big(q,q_0\big)}\cdot\nabla\rho\big(q,q_0\big) Uqq(x,y)=k(ρ(q,q0)1ρ01)ρ2(q,q0)1ρ(q,q0)











   { F r e q 1 = k ( 1 ρ ( q , q o ) − 1 ρ o ) ρ g n ρ 2 ( q , q o ) F r e q 2 = n 2 k ( 1 ρ ( q , q o ) − 1 ρ o ) 2 ρ g n − 1 \begin{cases}F_{_{r eq1}}=k(\dfrac{1}{\rho(q,q_o)}-\dfrac{1}{\rho_o})\dfrac{\rho_g^n}{\rho^2(q,q_o)}\\ F_{_{r eq2}}=\dfrac{n}{2}k(\dfrac{1}{\rho(q,q_o)}-\dfrac{1}{\rho_o})^2\rho_g^{^{n-1}}\end{cases} Freq1=k(ρ(q,qo)1ρo1)ρ2(q,qo)ρgnFreq2=2nk(ρ(q,qo)1ρo1)2ρgn1





   1、来自 白菜丁 的Python版本程序



import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 初始化车的参数 d = 3.5 # 道路标准宽度 W = 1.8 # 汽车宽度 P0 = np.array([0, -d / 2, 1, 1]) # 车辆起点位置,分别代表x,y,vx,vy Pg = np.array([99, d / 2, 0, 0]) # 目标点位置 Pobs = np.array([[15, 7 / 4, 0, 0], # 障碍物位置 [30, -3 / 2, 0, 0], [45, 3 / 2, 0, 0], [60, -3 / 4, 0, 0], [80, 7 / 4, 0, 0]]) P = np.array([[15, 7 / 4, 0, 0], [30, -3 / 2, 0, 0], [45, 3 / 2, 0, 0], [60, -3 / 4, 0, 0], [80, 7 / 4, 0, 0], [99, d / 2, 0, 0]]) Eta_att = 5 # 计算引力的增益系数 Eta_rep_ob = 15 # 计算斥力的增益系数 Eta_rep_edge = 50 # 计算边界斥力的增益系数 d0 = 20 # 障碍影响距离 n = len(P) # 障碍物和目标总计个数 len_step = 0.5 # 步长 Num_iter = 200 # 最大循环迭代次数 Pi = P0 Path = [] # 存储路径 delta = np.zeros((n, 2)) # 存储每一个障碍到车辆的斥力方向向量以及引力方向向量 dist = [] # 存储每一个障碍到车辆的距离以及目标点到车辆距离 unitvector = np.zeros((n, 2)) # 存储每一个障碍到车辆的斥力单位向量以及引力单位向量 F_rep_ob = np.zeros((n - 1, 2)) # 存储每一个障碍到车辆的斥力 F_rep_edge = np.zeros((1, 2)) while ((Pi[0] - Pg[0]) ** 2 + (Pi[1] - Pg[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5 > 1: # a = ((Pi[0] - Pg[0]) ** 2 + (Pi[1] - Pg[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5 Path.append(Pi.tolist()) # 计算车辆当前位置和障碍物的单位方向向量 for j in range(len(Pobs)): delta[j, :] = Pi[0:2] - P[j, 0:2] dist.append(np.linalg.norm(delta[j, :])) unitvector[j, :] = [delta[j, 0] / dist[j], delta[j, 1] / dist[j]] # 计算车辆当前位置和目标点的单位方向向量 delta[n - 1, :] = P[n - 1, 0:2] - Pi[0:2] dist.append(np.linalg.norm(delta[n - 1, :])) unitvector[n - 1, :] = [delta[n - 1, 0] / dist[n - 1], delta[n - 1, 1] / dist[n - 1]] # 计算斥力 for j in range(len(Pobs)): if dist[j] >= d0: F_rep_ob[j, :] = [0, 0] else: # 障碍物的斥力1,方向由障碍物指向车辆 F_rep_ob1_abs = Eta_rep_ob * (1 / dist[j] - 1 / d0) * dist[n - 1] / dist[j] ** 2 # 回看公式设定n=1 F_rep_ob1 = np.array([F_rep_ob1_abs * unitvector[j, 0], F_rep_ob1_abs * unitvector[j, 1]]) # 障碍物的斥力2,方向由车辆指向目标点 F_rep_ob2_abs = 0.5 * Eta_rep_ob * (1 / dist[j] - 1 / d0) ** 2 F_rep_ob2 = np.array([F_rep_ob2_abs * unitvector[n - 1, 0], F_rep_ob2_abs * unitvector[n - 1, 1]]) # 改进后的障碍物和斥力计算 F_rep_ob[j, :] = F_rep_ob1 + F_rep_ob2 # 增加的边界斥力 if -d + W / 2 < Pi[1] <= -d / 2: # 这个边界斥力只作用在y方向,因此x方向为0 F_rep_edge = [0, Eta_rep_edge * np.linalg.norm(Pi[2:4]) * np.exp(-d / 2 - Pi[1])] elif -d / 2 < Pi[1] <= -W / 2: F_rep_edge = [0, 1 / 3 * Eta_rep_edge * Pi[1] ** 2] elif W / 2 < Pi[1] <= d / 2: F_rep_edge = [0, -1 / 3 * Eta_rep_edge * Pi[1] ** 2] elif d / 2 < Pi[1] <= d - W / 2: F_rep_edge = [0, Eta_rep_edge * np.linalg.norm(Pi[2:4]) * np.exp(Pi[1] - d / 2)] # 计算合力和方向 F_rep = [np.sum(F_rep_ob[:, 0]) + F_rep_edge[0], np.sum(F_rep_ob[:, 1]) + F_rep_edge[1]] # 合并边界斥力和障碍舞斥力 F_att = [Eta_att * dist[n - 1] * unitvector[n - 1, 0], Eta_att * dist[n - 1] * unitvector[n - 1, 1]] # 引力向量 F_sum = np.array([F_rep[0] + F_att[0], F_rep[1] + F_att[1]]) UnitVec_Fsum = 1 / np.linalg.norm(F_sum) * F_sum # 计算车的下一步位置 Pi[0:2] = Pi[0:2] + len_step * UnitVec_Fsum # 将目标添加到路径中 Path.append(Pg.tolist()) # 画图 x = [] # 路径的x坐标 y = [] # 路径的y坐标 for val in Path: x.append(val[0]) y.append(val[1]) plt.plot(x, y, linewidth=0.6) plt.axhline(y=0, color='g', linestyle=':',linewidth=0.3) plt.axis([-5,100,-4,4]) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') plt.plot(0, -d / 2, 'ro', markersize=1) plt.plot(15, 7 / 4, 'ro', markersize=1) plt.plot(30, -3 / 2, 'ro', markersize=1) plt.plot(45, 3 / 2, 'ro', markersize=1) plt.plot(60, -3 / 4, 'ro', markersize=1) plt.plot(80, 7 / 4, 'ro', markersize=1) plt.plot(99, d / 2, 'ro', markersize=1) plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') plt.show()
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   2、来自 AtsushiSakai 的Python版本程序



""" Potential Field based path planner author: Atsushi Sakai (@Atsushi_twi) Ref: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~motionplanning/lecture/Chap4-Potential-Field_howie.pdf """ from collections import deque import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Parameters KP = 5.0 # attractive potential gain ETA = 100.0 # repulsive potential gain AREA_WIDTH = 30.0 # potential area width [m] # the number of previous positions used to check oscillations OSCILLATIONS_DETECTION_LENGTH = 3 show_animation = True def calc_potential_field(gx, gy, ox, oy, reso, rr, sx, sy): """ 计算势场图 gx,gy: 目标坐标 ox,oy: 障碍物坐标列表 reso: 势场图分辨率 rr: 机器人半径 sx,sy: 起点坐标 """ # 确定势场图坐标范围: minx = min(min(ox), sx, gx) - AREA_WIDTH / 2.0 miny = min(min(oy), sy, gy) - AREA_WIDTH / 2.0 maxx = max(max(ox), sx, gx) + AREA_WIDTH / 2.0 maxy = max(max(oy), sy, gy) + AREA_WIDTH / 2.0 # 根据范围和分辨率确定格数: xw = int(round((maxx - minx) / reso)) yw = int(round((maxy - miny) / reso)) # calc each potential pmap = [[0.0 for i in range(yw)] for i in range(xw)] for ix in range(xw): x = ix * reso + minx # 根据索引和分辨率确定x坐标 for iy in range(yw): y = iy * reso + miny # 根据索引和分辨率确定x坐标 ug = calc_attractive_potential(x, y, gx, gy) # 计算引力 uo = calc_repulsive_potential(x, y, ox, oy, rr) # 计算斥力 uf = ug + uo pmap[ix][iy] = uf return pmap, minx, miny def calc_attractive_potential(x, y, gx, gy): """ 计算引力势能:1/2*KP*d """ return 0.5 * KP * np.hypot(x - gx, y - gy) def calc_repulsive_potential(x, y, ox, oy, rr): """ 计算斥力势能: 如果与最近障碍物的距离dq在机器人膨胀半径rr之内:1/2*ETA*(1/dq-1/rr)**2 否则:0.0 """ # search nearest obstacle minid = -1 dmin = float("inf") for i, _ in enumerate(ox): d = np.hypot(x - ox[i], y - oy[i]) if dmin >= d: dmin = d minid = i # calc repulsive potential dq = np.hypot(x - ox[minid], y - oy[minid]) if dq <= rr: if dq <= 0.1: dq = 0.1 return 0.5 * ETA * (1.0 / dq - 1.0 / rr) ** 2 else: return 0.0 def get_motion_model(): # dx, dy # 九宫格中 8个可能的运动方向 motion = [[1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, 1], [1, -1], [1, 1]] return motion def oscillations_detection(previous_ids, ix, iy): """ 振荡检测:避免“反复横跳” """ previous_ids.append((ix, iy)) if (len(previous_ids) > OSCILLATIONS_DETECTION_LENGTH): previous_ids.popleft() # check if contains any duplicates by copying into a set previous_ids_set = set() for index in previous_ids: if index in previous_ids_set: return True else: previous_ids_set.add(index) return False def potential_field_planning(sx, sy, gx, gy, ox, oy, reso, rr): # calc potential field pmap, minx, miny = calc_potential_field(gx, gy, ox, oy, reso, rr, sx, sy) # search path d = np.hypot(sx - gx, sy - gy) ix = round((sx - minx) / reso) iy = round((sy - miny) / reso) gix = round((gx - minx) / reso) giy = round((gy - miny) / reso) if show_animation: draw_heatmap(pmap) # for stopping simulation with the esc key. plt.gcf().canvas.mpl_connect('key_release_event', lambda event: [exit(0) if event.key == 'escape' else None]) plt.plot(ix, iy, "*k") plt.plot(gix, giy, "*m") rx, ry = [sx], [sy] motion = get_motion_model() previous_ids = deque() while d >= reso: minp = float("inf") minix, miniy = -1, -1 # 寻找8个运动方向中势场最小的方向 for i, _ in enumerate(motion): inx = int(ix + motion[i][0]) iny = int(iy + motion[i][1]) if inx >= len(pmap) or iny >= len(pmap[0]) or inx < 0 or iny < 0: p = float("inf") # outside area print("outside potential!") else: p = pmap[inx][iny] if minp > p: minp = p minix = inx miniy = iny ix = minix iy = miniy xp = ix * reso + minx yp = iy * reso + miny d = np.hypot(gx - xp, gy - yp) rx.append(xp) ry.append(yp) # 振荡检测,以避免陷入局部最小值: if (oscillations_detection(previous_ids, ix, iy)): print("Oscillation detected at ({},{})!".format(ix, iy)) break if show_animation: plt.plot(ix, iy, ".r") plt.pause(0.01) print("Goal!!") return rx, ry def draw_heatmap(data): data = np.array(data).T plt.pcolor(data, vmax=100.0, cmap=plt.cm.Blues) def main(): print("potential_field_planning start") sx = 0.0 # start x position [m] sy = 10.0 # start y positon [m] gx = 30.0 # goal x position [m] gy = 30.0 # goal y position [m] grid_size = 0.5 # potential grid size [m] robot_radius = 5.0 # robot radius [m] # 以下障碍物坐标是我进行修改后的,用来展示人工势场法的困于局部最优的情况: ox = [15.0, 5.0, 20.0, 25.0, 12.0, 15.0, 19.0, 28.0, 27.0, 23.0, 30.0, 32.0] # obstacle x position list [m] oy = [25.0, 15.0, 26.0, 25.0, 12.0, 20.0, 29.0, 28.0, 26.0, 25.0, 28.0, 27.0] # obstacle y position list [m] if show_animation: plt.grid(True) plt.axis("equal") # path generation _, _ = potential_field_planning( sx, sy, gx, gy, ox, oy, grid_size, robot_radius) if show_animation: plt.show() if __name__ == '__main__': print(__file__ + " start!!") main() print(__file__ + " Done!!")
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   3、来自 ShuiXinYun的Python版本程序



""" 人工势场寻路算法实现 最基本的人工势场,存在目标点不可达及局部最小点问题 """ import math import random from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Circle import time class Vector2d(): """ 2维向量, 支持加减, 支持常量乘法(右乘) """ def __init__(self, x, y): self.deltaX = x self.deltaY = y self.length = -1 self.direction = [0, 0] self.vector2d_share() def vector2d_share(self): if type(self.deltaX) == type(list()) and type(self.deltaY) == type(list()): deltaX, deltaY = self.deltaX, self.deltaY self.deltaX = deltaY[0] - deltaX[0] self.deltaY = deltaY[1] - deltaX[1] self.length = math.sqrt(self.deltaX ** 2 + self.deltaY ** 2) * 1.0 if self.length > 0: self.direction = [self.deltaX / self.length, self.deltaY / self.length] else: self.direction = None else: self.length = math.sqrt(self.deltaX ** 2 + self.deltaY ** 2) * 1.0 if self.length > 0: self.direction = [self.deltaX / self.length, self.deltaY / self.length] else: self.direction = None def __add__(self, other): """ + 重载 :param other: :return: """ vec = Vector2d(self.deltaX, self.deltaY) vec.deltaX += other.deltaX vec.deltaY += other.deltaY vec.vector2d_share() return vec def __sub__(self, other): vec = Vector2d(self.deltaX, self.deltaY) vec.deltaX -= other.deltaX vec.deltaY -= other.deltaY vec.vector2d_share() return vec def __mul__(self, other): vec = Vector2d(self.deltaX, self.deltaY) vec.deltaX *= other vec.deltaY *= other vec.vector2d_share() return vec def __truediv__(self, other): return self.__mul__(1.0 / other) def __repr__(self): return 'Vector deltaX:{}, deltaY:{}, length:{}, direction:{}'.format(self.deltaX, self.deltaY, self.length, self.direction) class APF(): """ 人工势场寻路 """ def __init__(self, start: (), goal: (), obstacles: [], k_att: float, k_rep: float, rr: float, step_size: float, max_iters: int, goal_threshold: float, is_plot=False): """ :param start: 起点 :param goal: 终点 :param obstacles: 障碍物列表,每个元素为Vector2d对象 :param k_att: 引力系数 :param k_rep: 斥力系数 :param rr: 斥力作用范围 :param step_size: 步长 :param max_iters: 最大迭代次数 :param goal_threshold: 离目标点小于此值即认为到达目标点 :param is_plot: 是否绘图 """ self.start = Vector2d(start[0], start[1]) self.current_pos = Vector2d(start[0], start[1]) self.goal = Vector2d(goal[0], goal[1]) self.obstacles = [Vector2d(OB[0], OB[1]) for OB in obstacles] self.k_att = k_att self.k_rep = k_rep self.rr = rr # 斥力作用范围 self.step_size = step_size self.max_iters = max_iters self.iters = 0 self.goal_threashold = goal_threshold self.path = list() self.is_path_plan_success = False self.is_plot = is_plot self.delta_t = 0.01 def attractive(self): """ 引力计算 :return: 引力 """ att = (self.goal - self.current_pos) * self.k_att # 方向由机器人指向目标点 return att def repulsion(self): """ 斥力计算 :return: 斥力大小 """ rep = Vector2d(0, 0) # 所有障碍物总斥力 for obstacle in self.obstacles: # obstacle = Vector2d(0, 0) t_vec = self.current_pos - obstacle if (t_vec.length > self.rr): # 超出障碍物斥力影响范围 pass else: rep += Vector2d(t_vec.direction[0], t_vec.direction[1]) * self.k_rep * ( 1.0 / t_vec.length - 1.0 / self.rr) / (t_vec.length ** 2) # 方向由障碍物指向机器人 return rep def path_plan(self): """ path plan :return: """ while (self.iters < self.max_iters and (self.current_pos - self.goal).length > self.goal_threashold): f_vec = self.attractive() + self.repulsion() self.current_pos += Vector2d(f_vec.direction[0], f_vec.direction[1]) * self.step_size self.iters += 1 self.path.append([self.current_pos.deltaX, self.current_pos.deltaY]) if self.is_plot: plt.plot(self.current_pos.deltaX, self.current_pos.deltaY, '.b') plt.pause(self.delta_t) if (self.current_pos - self.goal).length <= self.goal_threashold: self.is_path_plan_success = True if __name__ == '__main__': # 相关参数设置 k_att, k_rep = 1.0, 100.0 rr = 3 step_size, max_iters, goal_threashold = .2, 500, .2 # 步长0.5寻路1000次用时4.37s, 步长0.1寻路1000次用时21s step_size_ = 2 # 设置、绘制起点终点 start, goal = (0, 0), (15, 15) is_plot = True if is_plot: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7)) subplot = fig.add_subplot(111) subplot.set_xlabel('X-distance: m') subplot.set_ylabel('Y-distance: m') subplot.plot(start[0], start[1], '*r') subplot.plot(goal[0], goal[1], '*r') # 障碍物设置及绘制 obs = [[1, 4], [2, 4], [3, 3], [6, 1], [6, 7], [10, 6], [11, 12], [14, 14]] print('obstacles: {0}'.format(obs)) for i in range(0): obs.append([random.uniform(2, goal[1] - 1), random.uniform(2, goal[1] - 1)]) if is_plot: for OB in obs: circle = Circle(xy=(OB[0], OB[1]), radius=rr, alpha=0.3) subplot.add_patch(circle) subplot.plot(OB[0], OB[1], 'xk') # t1 = time.time() # for i in range(1000): # path plan if is_plot: apf = APF(start, goal, obs, k_att, k_rep, rr, step_size, max_iters, goal_threashold, is_plot) else: apf = APF(start, goal, obs, k_att, k_rep, rr, step_size, max_iters, goal_threashold, is_plot) apf.path_plan() if apf.is_path_plan_success: path = apf.path path_ = [] i = int(step_size_ / step_size) while (i < len(path)): path_.append(path[i]) i += int(step_size_ / step_size) if path_[-1] != path[-1]: # 添加最后一个点 path_.append(path[-1]) print('planed path points:{}'.format(path_)) print('path plan success') if is_plot: px, py = [K[0] for K in path_], [K[1] for K in path_] # 路径点x坐标列表, y坐标列表 subplot.plot(px, py, '^k') plt.show() else: print('path plan failed') # t2 = time.time() # print('寻路1000次所用时间:{}, 寻路1次所用时间:{}'.format(t2-t1, (t2-t1)/1000))
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""" 人工势场寻路算法实现 改进人工势场,解决不可达问题,仍存在局部最小点问题 """ from Original_APF import APF, Vector2d import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math from matplotlib.patches import Circle import random def check_vec_angle(v1: Vector2d, v2: Vector2d): v1_v2 = v1.deltaX * v2.deltaX + v1.deltaY * v2.deltaY angle = math.acos(v1_v2 / (v1.length * v2.length)) * 180 / math.pi return angle class APF_Improved(APF): def __init__(self, start: (), goal: (), obstacles: [], k_att: float, k_rep: float, rr: float, step_size: float, max_iters: int, goal_threshold: float, is_plot=False): self.start = Vector2d(start[0], start[1]) self.current_pos = Vector2d(start[0], start[1]) self.goal = Vector2d(goal[0], goal[1]) self.obstacles = [Vector2d(OB[0], OB[1]) for OB in obstacles] self.k_att = k_att self.k_rep = k_rep self.rr = rr # 斥力作用范围 self.step_size = step_size self.max_iters = max_iters self.iters = 0 self.goal_threashold = goal_threshold self.path = list() self.is_path_plan_success = False self.is_plot = is_plot self.delta_t = 0.01 def repulsion(self): """ 斥力计算, 改进斥力函数, 解决不可达问题 :return: 斥力大小 """ rep = Vector2d(0, 0) # 所有障碍物总斥力 for obstacle in self.obstacles: # obstacle = Vector2d(0, 0) obs_to_rob = self.current_pos - obstacle rob_to_goal = self.goal - self.current_pos if (obs_to_rob.length > self.rr): # 超出障碍物斥力影响范围 pass else: rep_1 = Vector2d(obs_to_rob.direction[0], obs_to_rob.direction[1]) * self.k_rep * ( 1.0 / obs_to_rob.length - 1.0 / self.rr) / (obs_to_rob.length ** 2) * (rob_to_goal.length ** 2) rep_2 = Vector2d(rob_to_goal.direction[0], rob_to_goal.direction[1]) * self.k_rep * ((1.0 / obs_to_rob.length - 1.0 / self.rr) ** 2) * rob_to_goal.length rep +=(rep_1+rep_2) return rep if __name__ == '__main__': # 相关参数设置 k_att, k_rep = 1.0, 0.8 rr = 3 step_size, max_iters, goal_threashold = .2, 500, .2 # 步长0.5寻路1000次用时4.37s, 步长0.1寻路1000次用时21s step_size_ = 2 # 设置、绘制起点终点 start, goal = (0, 0), (15, 15) is_plot = True if is_plot: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7)) subplot = fig.add_subplot(111) subplot.set_xlabel('X-distance: m') subplot.set_ylabel('Y-distance: m') subplot.plot(start[0], start[1], '*r') subplot.plot(goal[0], goal[1], '*r') # 障碍物设置及绘制 obs = [[1, 4], [2, 4], [3, 3], [6, 1], [6, 7], [10, 6], [11, 12], [14, 14]] print('obstacles: {0}'.format(obs)) for i in range(0): obs.append([random.uniform(2, goal[1] - 1), random.uniform(2, goal[1] - 1)]) if is_plot: for OB in obs: circle = Circle(xy=(OB[0], OB[1]), radius=rr, alpha=0.3) subplot.add_patch(circle) subplot.plot(OB[0], OB[1], 'xk') # t1 = time.time() # for i in range(1000): # path plan if is_plot: apf = APF_Improved(start, goal, obs, k_att, k_rep, rr, step_size, max_iters, goal_threashold, is_plot) else: apf = APF_Improved(start, goal, obs, k_att, k_rep, rr, step_size, max_iters, goal_threashold, is_plot) apf.path_plan() if apf.is_path_plan_success: path = apf.path path_ = [] i = int(step_size_ / step_size) while (i < len(path)): path_.append(path[i]) i += int(step_size_ / step_size) if path_[-1] != path[-1]: # 添加最后一个点 path_.append(path[-1]) print('planed path points:{}'.format(path_)) print('path plan success') if is_plot: px, py = [K[0] for K in path_], [K[1] for K in path_] # 路径点x坐标列表, y坐标列表 subplot.plot(px, py, '^k') plt.show() else: print('path plan failed') # t2 = time.time() # print('寻路1000次所用时间:{}, 寻路1次所用时间:{}'.format(t2-t1, (t2-t1)/1000))
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   4、来自 jubobolv369 的MATLAB版本程序



clc; clear; close all; %% 基本信息、常数等设置 eta_ob=25; %计算障碍物斥力的权益系数 eta_goal=10; %计算障目标引力的权益系数 eta_border=25; %车道边界斥力权益系数 n=1; %计算障碍物斥力的常数 border0=20; %斥力作用边界 max_iter=1000; %最大迭代次数 step=0.3; %步长 car_width=1.8; %车宽 car_length=3.5; %车长 road_width=3.6; %道路宽 road_length=100; %道路长 %% 起点、障碍物、目标点的坐标、速度信息 P0=[3 1.3 1 1]; %横坐标 纵坐标 x方向分速度 y方向分速度 Pg=[road_length-4 5.4 0 0]; Pob=[15 1.8; 30 5.4; 46 1.6; 65 5.0; 84 2.7;] %% 未达目标附近前不断循环 Pi=P0; i=1; while sqrt((Pi(1)-Pg(1))^2+(Pi(2)-Pg(2))^2)>1 if i>max_iter break; end %计算每个障碍物与当前车辆位置的向量(斥力)、距离、单位向量 for j=1:size(Pob,1) vector(j,:)=Pi(1,1:2)-Pob(j,1:2); dist(j,:)=norm(vector(j,:)); unit_vector(j,:)=[vector(j,1)/dist(j,:) vector(j,2)/dist(j,:)]; end %计算目标与当前车辆位置的向量(引力)、距离、单位向量 max=j+1; vector(max,:)=Pg(1,1:2)-Pi(1,1:2); dist(max,:)=norm(vector(max,:)); unit_vector(max,:)=[vector(max,1)/dist(max,:) vector(max,2)/dist(max,:)]; %计算每个障碍物的斥力 for j=1:size(Pob,1) if dist(j,:)>=border0 Fre(j,:)=[0,0]; else %障碍物斥力指向物体 Fre_abs_ob=eta_ob*(1/dist(j,:)-1/border0)*(dist(max)^n/dist(j,:)^2); Fre_ob=[Fre_abs_ob*unit_vector(j,1) Fre_abs_ob*unit_vector(j,2)]; %障碍物斥力 指向目标 Fre_abs_g=n/2*eta_ob*(1/dist(j,:)-1/border0)^2*dist(max)^(n-1); Fre_g=[Fre_abs_g*unit_vector(max,1) Fre_abs_g*unit_vector(max,2)]; Fre(j,:)=Fre_ob+Fre_g; end end if Pi(2)>=(road_width-car_width)/2 && Pi(2)< road_width/2 %下绿色下区域 Fre_edge=[0,eta_border*norm(Pi(1,3:4))*(exp(road_width/2)-Pi(2))]; elseif Pi(2)>= road_width/2 && Pi(2)<= (road_width+car_width)/2 %下绿色上区域 Fre_edge=[0,-1/3*eta_border*Pi(2)^2]; elseif Pi(2)>=(3*road_width-car_width)/2 && Pi(2)<= 3*road_width/2 %上绿色下区域 Fre_edge=[0,1/3*eta_border*(3*road_width/2-Pi(2))^2]; elseif Pi(2)>=3*road_width/2 && Pi(2)<= (3*road_width+car_width)/2 %上绿色上区域 Fre_edge=[0,eta_border*norm(Pi(1,3:4))*(exp(Pi(2)-3*road_width/2))]; else Fre_edge=[0 0]; end Fre=[sum(Fre(:,1))+Fre_edge(1) sum(Fre(:,2))+Fre_edge(2)]; %计算引力 Fat=[eta_goal*dist(max,1)*unit_vector(max,1) eta_goal*dist(max,1)*unit_vector(max,2)]; F_sum=[Fre(1)+Fat(1),Fre(2)+Fat(2)]; unit_vector_sum(i,:)=F_sum/norm(F_sum); Pi(1,1:2)= Pi(1,1:2)+step*unit_vector_sum(i,:); path(i,:)= Pi(1,1:2); i=i+1; end %% 画图 figure(1) %下车道下红色区域 fill([0,road_length,road_length,0],[0,0,(road_width-car_width)/2,(road_width-car_width)/2],[1,0,0]); hold on %下车道上红色区域,上车道下红色区域 fill([0,road_length,road_length,0],[(road_width+car_width)/2,(road_width+car_width)/2,... (3*road_width-car_width)/2,(3*road_width-car_width)/2],[1,0,0]); %下车道绿色区域 fill([0,road_length,road_length,0],[(road_width-car_width)/2,(road_width-car_width)/2,... (road_width+car_width)/2,(road_width+car_width)/2],[0,1,0]); %上车道绿色区域 fill([0,road_length,road_length,0],[(3*road_width-car_width)/2,(3*road_width-car_width)/2,... (3*road_width+car_width)/2,(3*road_width+car_width)/2],[0,1,0]); %上车道上红色区域 fill([0,road_length,road_length,0],[ (3*road_width+car_width)/2,(3*road_width+car_width)/2,2*road_width,2*road_width],[1,0,0]); %路面中心线、边界线 plot([0,road_length],[road_width,road_width],'w--','linewidth',2); plot([0,road_length],[2*road_width,2*road_width],'w','linewidth',2); plot([0,road_length],[0,0],'w','linewidth',2); %障碍物、目标 plot(Pob(:,1),Pob(:,2),'ko'); plot(Pg(1),Pg(2),'mp'); %fill([P0(1)-car_length/2,P0(1)+car_length/2,P0(1)+car_length/2,P0(1)-car_length/2],... [P0(2)-car_width/2,P0(2)-car_width/2,P0(2)+car_width/2,P0(2)+car_width/2],[0,0,1]); plot(path(:,1),path(:,2),'w.'); axis equal set(gca,'XLim',[0 road_length]) set(gca,'YLim',[0 2*road_width])
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