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pywebview声称Build GUI for your Python program with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS。就是可以使用web技术来实现桌面应用程序开发。其内核我理解仍然是浏览器,只不过将浏览器封装成系统窗口,这样就可以将web无缝切换到桌面应用,相比pyQt等重武器还是比较方便的。



pip install pywebview
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Hello world 的demo:

import webview webview.create_window('Hello world', 'https://pywebview.flowrl.com/') webview.start()
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windows程序依赖pythonnet(要求 > .NET 4.0),pythonnet可以让python调用.NET代码。

为了使用最新版本的 Chromium(Chromium是谷歌的开源项目,国产的所有 “双核浏览器”,都是基于 Chromium 开发的,甚至 Chrome 也是基于它。),需要安装WebView2。





import webview window = webview.create_window('Woah dude!', 'https://pywebview.flowrl.com') webview.start()
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  • create_window:


4.2、http server示例


import webview webview.create_window('Woah dude!', 'index.html') webview.start(http_server=True)
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from flask import Flask import webview server = Flask(__name__, static_folder='./assets', template_folder='./templates') webview.create_window('Flask example', server) webview.start()
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import webview def custom_logic(window): window.evaluate_js('alert("welcome")') window = webview.create_window('Woah dude!', html='

Woah dude!

') webview.start(custom_logic, window) # anything below this line will be executed after program is finished executing print(2)#只有窗口关闭了才能打印
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  • 在Python调用Javascript

    使用evaluate_js可以在Python中调用Javascript 函数,如:window.evaluate_js(‘alert(“welcome”)’)

  • 在Javascript 中调用Python

    方法1(十分反人类):在一个Python类中先写一个html网页,在其中的Javascript 使用pywebview.api.方法名来调用Python函数,方法名不能以下划线开头。示例如下:

    import random import sys import threading import time import webview html = """

    JS API Example

    pywebview is not ready

    class Api: def __init__(self): self.cancel_heavy_stuff_flag = False def init(self): response = {'message': 'Hello from Python {0}'.format(sys.version)} return response def getRandomNumber(self): response = { 'message': 'Here is a random number courtesy of randint: {0}'.format( random.randint(0, 100000000) ) } return response def doHeavyStuff(self): time.sleep(0.1) # sleep to prevent from the ui thread from freezing for a moment now = time.time() self.cancel_heavy_stuff_flag = False for i in range(0, 1000000): _ = i * random.randint(0, 1000) if self.cancel_heavy_stuff_flag: response = {'message': 'Operation cancelled'} break else: then = time.time() response = { 'message': 'Operation took {0:.1f} seconds on the thread {1}'.format( (then - now), threading.current_thread() ) } return response def cancelHeavyStuff(self): time.sleep(0.1) self.cancel_heavy_stuff_flag = True def sayHelloTo(self, name): response = {'message': 'Hello {0}!'.format(name)} return response def error(self): raise Exception('This is a Python exception') if __name__ == '__main__': api = Api() window = webview.create_window('JS API example', html=html, js_api=api) webview.start()
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    import webview def lol(): print('LOL') def wtf(): print('WTF') def echo(arg1, arg2, arg3): print(arg1) print(arg2) print(arg3) def expose(window): window.expose(echo) # expose a function during the runtime window.evaluate_js('pywebview.api.lol()') window.evaluate_js('pywebview.api.wtf()') window.evaluate_js('pywebview.api.echo(1, 2, 3)') if __name__ == '__main__': window = webview.create_window( 'JS Expose Example', html='

    JS Expost' ) window.expose(lol, wtf) # expose functions beforehand webview.start(expose, window, debug=True)
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  • events.closed:窗口关闭后触发的事件
  • events.closing:窗口正在关闭,在确认时候触发的事件
  • events.loaded:DOM准备就绪时触发的事件
  • events.minimized:窗口最小化触发的事件
  • events.restore:窗口恢复时触发的事件
  • events.maximized:窗口最大化触发的事件
  • events.resized:窗口大小变化时触发的事件
  • events.shown:窗口显示时触发的事件



import time import webview def change_url(window): # wait a few seconds before changing url: time.sleep(10) # change url: window.load_url('https://pywebview.flowrl.com/hello') if __name__ == '__main__': window = webview.create_window('URL Change Example', 'http://www.google.com') webview.start(change_url, window)
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import webview def open_confirmation_dialog(window): result = window.create_confirmation_dialog('Question', 'Are you ok with this?') if result: print('User clicked OK') else: print('User clicked Cancel') if __name__ == '__main__': window = webview.create_window( 'Confirmation dialog example', 'https://pywebview.flowrl.com/hello' ) webview.start(open_confirmation_dialog, window)
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import webview def on_closed(): print('pywebview window is closed') def on_closing(): print('pywebview window is closing') def on_shown(): print('pywebview window shown') def on_minimized(): print('pywebview window minimized') def on_restored(): print('pywebview window restored') def on_maximized(): print('pywebview window maximized') def on_resized(width, height): print( 'pywebview window is resized. new dimensions are {width} x {height}'.format( width=width, height=height ) ) def on_loaded(): print('DOM is ready') # unsubscribe event listener webview.windows[0].events.loaded -= on_loaded webview.windows[0].load_url('https://pywebview.flowrl.com/hello') def on_moved(x, y): print('pywebview window is moved. new coordinates are x: {x}, y: {y}'.format(x=x, y=y)) if __name__ == '__main__': window = webview.create_window( 'Simple browser', 'https://pywebview.flowrl.com/', confirm_close=True ) window.events.closed += on_closed window.events.closing += on_closing window.events.shown += on_shown window.events.loaded += on_loaded window.events.minimized += on_minimized window.events.maximized += on_maximized window.events.restored += on_restored window.events.resized += on_resized window.events.moved += on_moved webview.start(debug=True)
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import webview def open_file_dialog(window): file_types = ('Image Files (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.gif)', 'All files (*.*)') result = window.create_file_dialog( webview.OPEN_DIALOG, allow_multiple=True, file_types=file_types ) print(result)#result为文件的绝对路径 if __name__ == '__main__': window = webview.create_window('Open file dialog example', 'https://pywebview.flowrl.com/hello') webview.start(open_file_dialog, window)
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import webview def save_file_dialog(window): import time time.sleep(5) result = window.create_file_dialog( webview.SAVE_DIALOG, directory='/', save_filename='test.file' ) print(result) if __name__ == '__main__': window = webview.create_window('Save file dialog', 'https://pywebview.flowrl.com/hello') webview.start(save_file_dialog, window)
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