如何规范写出 README 模板?
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README 标准是由 RichardLitt 发起,十多名开发者共同贡献完成的,在 GitHub 上有 1230+ Star:standard-readme
标准 README 实例:
- standard-readme/tree/main/example-readmes
- 奖励:实例
本文模板获取地址: README-Template
README 文件是人们通常最先看到的第一个东西。它应该告诉人们为什么要使用、如何安装、以及如何使用你的代码。README 文件标准化能够使得创建和维护 README 文件更加简单。毕竟,要写好一个文档不是那么容易的。
1. Sections
Status: Required.
- 标题必须与 repository、folder 和 package manager names 匹配 - 或者它可能有另一个相关的标题,repository、folder 和 package manager title 旁边以斜体和括号显示。例如:
- 1
If any of the folder, repository, or package manager names do not match, there must be a note in the Long Description explaining why.
- Should be self-evident.
Status: Optional.
- Must not have its own title.
- Must link to local image in current repository.
- Must appear directly after the title.
Status: Optional.
- Must not have its own title.
- Must be newline delimited.
- Use http://shields.io or a similar service to create and host the images.
Add the Standard Readme badge.
Short Description
Status: Required.
- Must not have its own title.
- Must be less than 120 characters.
- Must not start with >
- Must be on its own line.
- Must match the description in the packager manager’s description field.
- Must match GitHub’s description (if on GitHub).
- Use gh-description to set and get GitHub description.
- Use npm show . description to show the description from a local npm package.
Long Description
Status: Optional.
- Must not have its own title.
- If any of the folder, repository, or package manager names do not match, there must be a note here as to why. See Title section.
If too long, consider moving to the Background section.
Cover the main reasons for building the repository.
"This should describe your module in broad terms, generally in just a few paragraphs; more detail of the module’s routines or methods, lengthy code examples, or other in-depth material should be given in subsequent sections.这应该广泛地描述你的模块,通常只有几个段落;关于模块的例程或方法、冗长的代码示例或其他深入材料的更多细节将在后续章节中给出。
Ideally, someone who’s slightly familiar with your module should be able to refresh their memory without hitting “page down”. As your reader continues through the document, they should receive a progressively greater amount of knowledge."理想情况下,稍微熟悉您的模块的人应该能够刷新他们的内存,而不需要点击“下一页”。当你的读者继续阅读文档时,他们会逐渐获得更多的知识。
Table of Contents
Status: Required; optional for READMEs shorter than 100 lines.
- Must link to all Markdown sections in the file. 必须链接到文件中的所有 Markdown 部分。
- Must start with the next section; do not include the title or Table of Contents headings. 必须从下一节开始;不要包括标题或目录标题。
- Must be at least one-depth: must capture all ## headings.
- May capture third and fourth depth headings. If it is a long ToC, these are optional.
Status: Optional.
- May go here if it is important to highlight security concerns. Otherwise, it should be in Extra Sections.
Status: Optional.
- Cover motivation.
- Cover abstract dependencies.
- Cover intellectual provenance: A See Also section is also fitting.
Status: Required by default, optional for documentation repositories.
- Code block illustrating how to install.
- Dependencies. Required if there are unusual dependencies or dependencies that must be manually installed. 如果存在不寻常的依赖项或必须手动安装的依赖项,则必需。
- Link to prerequisite sites for programming language: npmjs, godocs, etc.
- Include any system-specific information needed for installation. 包括安装所需的任何系统特定信息。
- An Updating section would be useful for most packages, if there are multiple versions which the user may interface with. 如果用户可能接触到多个版本的包,则 update 部分对于大多数包都很有用。
Status: Required by default, optional for documentation repositories.
- Code block illustrating common usage. 说明常用用法的代码块。
- If CLI compatible, code block indicating common usage. 如果兼容CLI,表示常用的代码块。
- If importable, code block indicating both import functionality and usage. 如果可导入,则表示导入功能和使用情况的代码块。
- CLI. Required if CLI functionality exists.
- Cover basic choices that may affect usage: for instance, if JavaScript, cover promises/callbacks, ES6 here. 涵盖可能影响使用的基本选择:例如,如果是 JavaScript,请在此处涵盖 promises/callbacks、ES6。
- If relevant, point to a runnable file for the usage code. 如果相关,指向使用代码的可运行文件。
Extra Sections
Status: Optional.
- None.
- This should not be called Extra Sections. This is a space for 0 or more sections to be included, each of which must have their own titles.
- This should contain any other sections that are relevant, placed after Usage and before API.
- Specifically, the Security section should be here if it wasn’t important enough to be placed above.
Status: Optional.
- Describe exported functions and objects. 描述导出的函数和对象。
- Describe signatures, return types, callbacks, and events. 描述签名、返回类型、回调和事件。
- Cover types covered where not obvious. 覆盖不明显的覆盖类型。
- Describe caveats. 描述说明。
- If using an external API generator (like go-doc, js-doc, or so on), point to an external API.md file. This can be the only item in the section, if present. 如果使用外部API生成器(如go-doc, js-doc等),则指向外部“API”。md的文件。如果存在,这可以是节中唯一的项。
Status: Optional.
- Must be called Thanks, Credits or Acknowledgements.
- State anyone or anything that significantly helped with the development of your project.
- State public contact hyper-links if applicable.
Status: Required.
- State where users can ask questions.
- State whether PRs are accepted.
- List any requirements for contributing; for instance, having a sign-off on commits.
- Link to a CONTRIBUTING file – if there is one.
- Be as friendly as possible.
- Link to the GitHub issues.
- Link to a Code of Conduct. A CoC is often in the Contributing section or document, or set elsewhere for an entire organization, so it may not be necessary to include the entire file in each repository. However, it is highly recommended to always link to the code, wherever it lives.
- A subsection for listing contributors is also welcome here.
Status: Required.
- State license full name or identifier, as listed on the SPDX license list. For unlicensed repositories, add UNLICENSED. For more details, add SEE LICENSE IN
and link to the license file. (These requirements were adapted from npm). - State license owner.
- Must be last section.
- Link to longer License file in local repository.
These definitions are provided to clarify any terms used above.
- Documentation repositories: Repositories without any functional code. For instance, RichardLitt/knowledge.
2. Chicken-Swarm-Optimization
源地址: https://github.com/decipher07/Chicken-Swarm-Optimization
2. pyswarm
源地址: https://github.com/tisimst/pyswarm
3. minimal-readme.md
源地址: standard-readme/blob/main/example-readmes/minimal-readme.md
4. 模板四
4. 王者版

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5. 终极版

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[1] 编写规范的readme文件
[2] 我们应该如何书写README及文档
[3] 如何写好Github中的readme?
[4] README.md文件的必要性
[5] 如何为开发项目编写规范的README文件(windows),此文详解
在线投稿:投稿 站长QQ:1888636
后台-插件-广告管理-内容页尾部广告(手机) |